(Not official.) - C10H13No2=178.63. Synonym. - Para-acetphenetidin. C6H4Oc2h5nhc2h3o=178.63.


Glacial Acetic Acid is made to act upon paraphenetidin, a product of Paranitrophenol. C6H5Oc2h5nh2+Hc2h3o2=C6H4Oc2h5nhc2 H3O+H2O.


Colorless, tasteless, scaly crystals. Solubility. - Very sparingly (1 in 1700) in water; in 30 parts of Alcohol; soluble in Glycerin.

Dose, 5 to 10 gr.; .30 to .60 gm. (as an antipyretic), in cachets, capsules or suspended.

Action and Therapeutics of Phenacetin

Phenacetin has no action externally nor on the gastro-intestinal tract, and with ordinary doses the blood is unaffected. It slightly depresses the heart, but does not in ordinary doses affect the respiration. It is a mild diuretic, but large doses cause the passage of altered blood. It is a powerful antipyretic by decreasing heat production and slightly increasing heat dissipation. It is a powerful analgesic. It is a valuable remedy for reducing fever, and because it depresses the heart but little, it is safer than either antipyrin or acetanilid. It is, however, very insoluble, and slower and less powerful than these remedies, but the effects last longer. As this drug possesses a marked analgesic action, it is to be preferred as a remedy for the relief of pain, as, neuralgia, sciatica, locomotor ataxia, migraine and various headaches. For this purpose, the dose of 5 gr.; .30 gm., should be administered every hour for three or four hours; this generally gives relief. This drug has been of service in the treatment of epilepsy.



This drug sometimes produces severe vomiting, sweating, feeble and rapid pulse, and collapse. Treatment. - Alcoholic stimulation. Strychnine hypodermatically. External warmth.