

Pomegranate. The bark of the stem and root of Punica granatum Linné (Nat. Ord. Lythraricae). (U. S. P.) Écorce de ratine de grenadier, Fr.; Granatwurzelrinde, Ger.


Pomegranate-bark contains a principle—pelleterine —on which its activity depends. The tannate, an efficient taeniafuge, can be given in doses of five grains to one scruple.

Actions and Uses

The rind of the fresh root only should be used.

The best preparation is the decoction, prepared by boiling gently two ounces of the bark in a quart of water down to a pint. Of this decoction a wineglassful may be given every hour until all is taken. It should be preceded by a brisk purgative, and should be taken fasting. It produces more or less nausea, borborygmi, intestinal pain, and usually purges. If a purgative effect is not caused by it, a brisk cathartic should follow. In the author's experience, this is a very certain and efficient taeniafuge. Tanret's preparation of unpurified pelleterine, in solution, has acted very efficiently in some cases.