The roots and root stocks of Hydrastis canadensis yield the alkaloids verberine, xanthopuccine, and hy-drastine, of which the last is the active principle.

Physiological Actions

Hydrastis is an astringent bitter. It stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract, creates appetite, and promotes the functions of the liver. It is also an anti-periodic. It is ecbolic, causing uterine contractions. Applied locally to mucous membranes it is tonic.

In poisonous doses it has caused salivation, vomiting, muscular tremblings, loss of voluntary movement, rise of temperature, feeble, rapid pulse, convulsions, and death from failure of the respirations.


Tinctura Hydrastis. Tincture Of Hydrastis

Average dose, ʒ i-4 mils.

Fluidextractum Hydrastis. Fluidextract Of Hydrastis

Average dose,  xxx.-2 mils.

Hydrastininae Hydrochloridum. Hydrastinine Hydrochloride

A synthetic alkaloid obtained by oxidizing hydras-tine. It is an oxytocic and muscular stimulant. In overdoses a depressant to the whole motor tract.

Average dose, gr. 1/2-0.03 Gm.