In the article previously quoted from in this chapter, Krauss, Erb and Washburn say: "According to S. Schmidt-Neilson and Schmidt Neilsen (Kgl. Norske Videnskab, Sels k, Forhandl, 1: 126-128, abstract in Biological Abstracts, 4:96, 1930), when milk is pasteurized at 63 degrees C. (145 degrees F.) was fed to mature rats, early death or diminished vitality resulted in the offspring.

"Pasteurization of milk destroys about 38% of the B complex according to Dutchera and his associates". Again, "Mattick and Golding (Relative Value of Raw and Heated Milk in Nutrition, Lancet) reported some preliminary experiments which indicated that pasteurization destroys some of the dietetic value of milk, including partial destruction of vitamin B1. These same workers found the raw milk to be considerably superior to sterilized milk in nutritive value."

They add "On the 7.5 cc. level two rats on raw milk developed milk polyneuritis toward the end of the trial, whereas three rats on pasteurized milk developed polyneuritis early, which became severe as the trial drew to a close. On the 10.0 cc. level none of the rats on raw milk developed polyneuritis, but three on pasteurized milk were severely afflicted." Again they say "Using standard methods for determining vitamins A, B, G and D, it was found that pasteurization destroys at least 25% of the vitamin in the original raw milk."