Amo Amp Ammo Niae Aceta Tae Linimentum



(From Ammonitrum 455 sand, and tre). In our glass-houses called frit. See Fritta.


Lcolly Rium, (from Ammoni 457 sand).

A collyrium which removes sand or gravel from the called also hygidion. It is a mere farrago.


Or Amnestia, Amnesia 458 (from α, priv. and memoria). Forgetfulness. See



See Cinnabaris.


MI. See Piper Jamascense.

Amoris Poma

Also called lycopersicon, sola-num pomiferum, mala aurea; love apple. Solanum lycopersicum, Lin. Sp. Pl. 265. It is a species of solanum about the size of a cherry, green at the first, and of a yellowish red colour; the flowers resemble those of nightshade; the fruit is fleshy and soft; it contains many flat whitish seeds in a juicy pulp. The plant flowers in July, and the fruit ripens in September.

Their quality is cooling. In Italy they are eaten with oil and vinegar.

See Miller Bot. Off.


(From Amorge 462 to press out). See



See Osteocolla.


See Battatas Hispanica.


(From Ampelion 463 a vine). Vine leaves, or the tendrils of vines. Hippocrates commends them for making pessaries to promote the menses.

Ampeli Tis

(From the same). Cannel coal. Named also terra or lapis ampelites,pharmacitis, obsidi-anus lapis,carbos.

This species of coal is a bituminous earth, black as jet, and so hard that it takes a good polish, and is made into boxes, basins, and various other utensils. It contains much sulphur and salt, is divided into and easily powdered; when old, that is, when long kept after taking it out of the mines, it falls into powder, and then yields a quantity of saltpetre.

It burns more bright than any other kind of coal: powdered and strewed upon vine trees it destroys the worms that injure them, hence its name: it is rarely used in medicine, but is commended as being more drying than terra Samia, or than many of the earths that have been employed with credit in medicine.


(From Ampelocarpus 464 a vine, and fruit,) so called, because its seeds resemble the young fruit of the vine. See Apabine.


See Bryonia.


(From Ampharisteros 466 both, and

Ampharisteros 468 the left hand). It is the reverse of ambidexter, that is, not having a proper use of either hand. Figuratively it signifies unlucky or unfortunate.