
(From Chondroglossus 2114 a cartilage, and a tongue). A muscle inserted into the basis, or cartilaginous part of the tongue. See Hyoglossus.


(From Chondros 2116 to pour out, and water; from the manner, according to Schrevelius, in which the food of the ancients called Alica was made). See Alica cartilago, and Xiphoides cartila-go. It also signifies any grumous concretion, as of


A cartilaginous ligament. (From Chondrosyndesmus 2118 cartilago, and con-nectio).


(From Chondropharyngaeus 2120 a cartilage and the upper part of the fauces). See

Pharynx. A muscle which rises from the cartilaginous appendage of the os hyoides, and is inserted in the membrane of the fauces. Douglass.


See Infundibulum.


An English wine quart.


A chopine; also cheopina, which see.

A pint measure at Paris, containing fifteen ounces and a half, or sixteen ounces.


A region, (from Chora 2122 a place). Galen, in his work De Usu Part. expresses by it particularly the cavities of the eyes; but in other places he means by it any void space.

Chorae Tendineae

See Cor.

Chordae willisii. See Dura mater.


(From Chordapsus 2125 a cord, and , to knit; so called, from the intestines appearing to be twisted into knots, like pieces of string, in a species of painful colic). See Colica, and Iliaca passio.

Chordata Gonorrhoea

A gonorrhoea attended with chordee, or painful tension of the penis. See Gonorrhcea.


De Palmiste. (French.) The cabbage of the palm tree. See Palma nobilis.


An antiscorbutic, used on the Newfoundland station, and consists only of fresh fish boiled with the salted ship provisions.

Chowder beer, is an infusion of spruce in water, from which beer is prepared in the common way.

Christi Manus

See Saccharum.


(From Christos 2131 to anoint). Whatever is applied by way of unction.


A newly discovered metal. See Chemistry.


(From Chros 2133 the skin). Galen says, that the Ionians mean, by this word, the flesh in our bodies; i. e. all except bones and cartilages.


(From Chrupsia 2134 colour, and sight).

V disease in the eyes, in which the person perceives objects of colours different from their real ones.