
The cavity of an abscess, with manifest solution of continuity.


See Abscessus.


A drop. It implies also that species of bathing which we call pumping, and the French la douche. Baccius, in his Treatise of Baths, lib. ii. gives rules for this kind of bathing. See also Le Dran's Observations, p. 310.

Ducis Holsatiae Sal



See Mandragora.


A weight of eight scruples.


(From dulcis, sweet, and acidum, Any preparation that is sweet and tart, as oxymel.


(From dulcis, and amarum, bitter). See Solanum lignosum.


Do Saturni, i. e. cerussa. See Plumbum.

Dulcedo veneris. See Clitoris.

Dulcis Radix

See Glycyrrhiza.

Du Lech. A term used by Paracelsus and Helmont for a spongy stone generated in the body.

Dulwich Waters

This well is situated in the county of Surrey, about four miles south east of London-bridge. The water is clear, slightly brackish, and tastes a little bitter in the throat. A gallon at one time yielded two, at another three, drachms of solid matter, containing a small portion of calcareous earth, and a vitriolated magnesia, mixed with a portion of marine salt. From one to three pints in a morning are a dose. See Aquae minerales.


(From Dumus 3056 to rest under). A brush, or

Shrub. Bushes send out branches from near their roots; and are distinguished from trees, whose stem rises considerably before any branches are sent out.


Sal de. See Nitrum.


Or Intestinalis Arte'-ria, (from the intestine, called duodenum). As soon as the gastrica dextra hath passed behind the stomach, it sends out the duodenal artery (which sometimes comes from the trunk of the hepatica): it runs along the duodenum, on the side next the pancreas, to both which it furnishes branches, as well as to the neighbouring part of the stomach.

Duodenalis vena. A branch from the vena portae ventralis, called intestinalis; it is distributed chiefly in the duodenum, but sends some branches to the pancreas. A branch of the gastrica has the same appellation, and the haemorrhoidalis interna gives a branch of this name to the duodenum.


(From duplex, double.) See Tertiana Duplex.


A weight equal to four drachms.


(From durus, hard.) Hardened; but in Scribonius Largus it means macerated.


Broad leaved leopard's bane. See Doronicum Romanum.


See Stramonium.


Diminutive beings whose growth has been checked by art, or arrested by disease. Their height differs; but, in general, they have exceeded three feet. The Polish Borulawski was, however, but twenty-eight inches; and Bebe, kept by Stanislaus, king of Poland, measured only thirty-three inches. Their intellectual faculties are, however, imperfect: they arc lively, but simple; and sharp, but timorous. Borulawski seems to have possessed superior mental powers. It is not easy to assign a cause for such diminutive forms, except their growth is checked by disease, and their forms distorted by confinement in one posture.