The undue increase of the lower commensal races in the United States has already brought about a deplorably unnatural condition never existing before in Aryan democracies, which are all based upon the mental ability of the aristocratic elements possessing the sovereignty, and lack of it in the lower commensal units having no share. The first cause of this is the fact that the use to which this country is put has been reversed in the last century. The pilgrim fathers came here for a home and founded a democracy which was designed to protect the individual in life and liberty. There was a desire to develop the country only so far as it enabled the people to gain the above ends. At present, after a gradual change, which began about seventy-five years ago, the whole trend of events is toward developing the country, increasing wealth and prosperity, irrespective of its effect on the mass of people. There is a tremendous demand for laborers, and by the ordinary laws of supply they are flocking in from Europe. The last remnant of the old regime is the Contract Labor Law, designed to protect laborers already here by excluding those who come under contract to work, or who are not honestly looking for a new home. The law excludes very few for it is aimed against a natural law, so that the old regime is really over. Everywhere, the manufacturers and farmers are calling for and obtaining laborers to help make wealth for the few. Wealth, and not citizenship, is the reason for inducing immigration.

It is wise to look ahead at the kind of democracy which is to result. If it is to be stable it will necessarily be in the hands of a small element. If it is to be guided by the less intelligent we can well see that our fate is to be the civilization of the Mediterranean and not that of Northern Europe. Already the lower elements are pulling down the standard set up by the ruling minds from Northern Europe. American city governments are such hopeless failures in comparison to those of Northern Europe, which do not violate the laws of democracy, that a chapter devoted to this one subject will go a long way in helping us to understand why we should not make the same error in the tropics.

Incompetent Voters

It is remarkable that we theoretically assume that a man of Blaine's ability is the voting equivalent of an imbecile who sells his vote for a dollar, yet the mistake is quite natural after all. The colonies were about as near to being homogeneous democracies as could well occur in modern times. The colonists were bands of equals, seeking new homes, and it was inevitable that they should insist upon manhood suffrage. Immigration, until the present wave of lower races, did not alter the conditions, and all the former fear of the alien having proved to be baseless, we are only confirmed in our belief that all men are equally entitled to vote, though nothing could be more false. The new elements have crept in so slowly that we did not realize what they were doing. At first then- votes had no effect whatever, but now it is entirely different, and it is all due to the fact that the modern industrial civilization and mad rush for wealth have increased their numbers. In the first place the immigrants who are now imported for their muscular power, almost like domestic animals, must settle where they can sell their labor, so that the vast majority remain in the cities. In Chicago, there are hordes of them. It is a babel of tongues* Newspapers appear in ten  languages, and church services are rendered in twenty. It is the second largest Bohemian city in the world, the third Swedish, the fourth Polish, and the fifth German (New York being the fourth). These people generally live in colonies, and in the center of each Catholic type is its church; one of which is said to have 40,000 Poles who attend masses each Sunday from dawn to noon, streaming in and out. In New York, we find the same babel of tongues and the same conditions of "foreign colonies," each a city in itself.

* According to Prof. D. C. Buck, of the University of Chicago, the following were the approximate numbers of people speaking languages other than English in that city in 1905:

German.................. 500.000

Polish................... 125,000

Swedish.................. 100,000

Bohemian................ 90.000

Norwegian............... 50,000

Yiddish.................. 50,000

Instead of being the guided element, they have suddenly become the guides - the rulers - and have thus caused the growth of that curious American feeling that society is something to be robbed at every opportunity. They are not able to play the part of rulers, and are taking on a parasitic existence, such as bacteria do when given the chance. Too many are "working" the public instead of working for it. It is a new disease and seen mostly in America, though Europe is not free of it.

The colonial village was like the ancient Aryan one, a democracy of equals which we are trying to fit into a complicated machine, where no two men are equal, where the vast majority cannot possibly go to the folkmoot, where the work to be done requires brains which few possess. Americans think they can fill any position from senator to street sweeper, and as they have a partnership in the sovereignty they demand the "jobs." Our ancestors would have cleaved their heads open instead of giving them "jobs." Sydney Brooks, in the Outlook for April, 1906, said that the prominent characteristic of every American is the inborn feeling that he can fill any office better than his neighbor, that is, the prominent feeling is now aristocratic even to the lowest layers.

Italian................... 25,000

Danish.................. 20,000

French.................. 15,000

Croatian and Servian...... 10,000

Slovakian................ 10,000

Lithuanian............... 10,000

Russian.................. 7,000

Hungarian............... 5,000

Crook................... 4,000

Frisian.................. 2,000

Roumanian.............. 2,000

Welsh................... 2,000

Slovenian................ 2,000

Flemish.................. 2,000

Chinese.................. 1,000

Spanish.................. 1,000

Finnish.................... 500

Scotch, Gaelic.............. 500

Lottie..................... 500

Arabic..................... 200

Armenian.................. 100

Manx...................... 100

Icelandic................... 100

Albanian................... 100

Bulgarian (less)............. 100

Turkish (less)............... 100

Japanese (less).............. 100

Portuguese (less)............ 100

Esthonian (less)............ 100

Breton (less)................ 100

Basque (less)............... 100

Gypsy (less)................ 100