This is one of the most useful kinds of timber to the cabinet-maker, either for making up furniture entirely, or for those portions which are not seen, and are of comparative unimportance, such as the backs of looking-glasses and of carcase work generally. It is rare indeed to find a piece of furniture which is made entirely without it, for by using it judiciously the cost of production is considerably reduced without any detriment to the article. Although any kind of pine may be used, all are not equally suitable for furniture, as some of them are knotty and resinous. The most pleasant to work and the cleanest is the yellow pine, which is easily obtainable. When of really good quality, it is very clean and free from knots. The commoner kinds, such as spruce, which do very well for building purposes, cannot be recommended to the cabinet-maker, who in this timber should use only the best he can get. It will cost a little more in the first place, but owing to the small amount of waste, can be used more economically than common stuff. It is also much more pleasant to work with sound, clean wood than with that which is coarse and full of knots. Pine, it may be observed, is often loosely spoken of as deal, though strictly this should be limited to a certain sized piece. Any kind of pine, provided it is free from knots, may be used in furniture, but the sort recommended will generally be found the best. Pine, it is well known, is a soft, easy wood to work, and it is cheap.

Pitch pine, though similar in name, is a different kind of wood, and one not altogether in favour with cabinet - makers, by whom, however, it is sometimes used. In appearance it is darker than the ordinary pine. It has strongly marked figuring often of a very handsome character. It is fairly hard and very resinous, which makes it a somewhat unpleasant wood to work. In addition to this, it is rather unreliable, that is, one apt to twist or split, even though it seems dry and well seasoned.