A noun clause that is a direct quotation, or one that is used as an appositive and is not introduced by that, is set off by the comma.

A direct quotation should be inclosed in quotation marks and should begin with a capital letter.

Exercise 162

Find illustrations of the preceding rules in Exercise 160.

Exercise 163. Review Of Clauses

Select each main proposition, omitting clauses that are not essential parts of sentences. Describe each clause. Classify each sentence as compound or complex.

Review the rules for the punctuation of compound sentences (§ 99), and of adjective, adverbial, and noun clauses (§§ 120, 126,130).

Copy every sentence that is not punctuated and capital-ized correctly, making the proper changes.

1. Walter Raleigh's father who was an excellent scholar educated him carefully.

2. She exclaimed why did yon do that.

3. The report that came yesterday was false.

4. She came as fast as she could.

5. Socrates said when he saw the luxuries in the market how much there is in the world that I do not want.

6. Through the summer there was great uneasiness and in September King Philip was warned to keep peace.

7. One of the advantages of a border planting is that it is always ready to receive more plants.

8. Its symmetry is not marred if some plants are pulled out and other are put in.

9. I do not want a flower garden so perfect that I cannot change it in some character each year.

10. He noticed that the child was frightened and he said soothingly nothing will hurt you.

11. Where the road took a sudden bend Robin Hood stopped for he thought he heard voices.

12. That he might create discussion he declared that the explanation that was generally accepted was illogical.

13. It has been truthfully said that a fool and his money are soon parted.

14. Alfalfa goes down into the ground many feet and if there is no moisture near the surface the plant still continues to grow because it gets its moisture from the lower water levels.

15. If you do not work you are cheating at the game.

16. Theseus laid bis hand on the old man's arm and said there is no need to flee but the venerable man hurried down the path.

17. Once as they sat down by their evening fire there silently entered Into the little camp an Indian woman, whose features Bore deep traces of sorrow.

Exercise 164

Review all rules for punctuation. (See Index). Copy these sentences, making any needed changes in punctuation. Be able to give the reason for each mark.

1. After the final overthrow of Napoleon Prussia Austria and Russia made an alliance.

2. The choice for governor fell upon John Winthrop a wealthy gentleman who was henceforth a foremost man among the founders of New England.

3. He was fast growing weak from the wounds he had received and his armor was heavy.

4. Philippa was good and sensible graceful and beautiful and made the English people an excellent queen.

5. In their distress many of the oppressed people decided to go to Holland where they might have religious freedom and in 1608 the congregation of the town of Scrooby went to Amsterdam under the leadership of their beloved pastor John Robinson.

6. Your singer is a happy man said Orpheus for Phoebus himself must have taught him.