Sec. 9. A large circle, called Ses, indicates that syllable or any similar one. It is written on the same side of a stem as the Iss-circle. It may be vocalized by writing a vowel sign within it, and, if desired, the exact vowel may be indicated by placing the sign in the upper, middle, or lower part of the circle. (Line 1.) a. The plural number, or the possessive case of a noun ending with Iss, is indicated by enlarging the circle. The third person, singular, of a regular verb ending with Iss, is indicated in the same manner. (Compare Sec. 8, d.) (Line 2.) b. A small circle may be written within a final large circle, for the additional sound of S. (Line 3.) c. Phrasing. - 7s his, As has, and similar phrases, are prefixed or added to a word-sign by the large circle, Is his being written above the line, and As has on the line, when used initially. Is or As is prefixed to an initial Iss-circle, or added to a final one, by enlarging the circle. (Line 4.)

Key to Line 4. It-is-his. What-is-his. Which-is-his. Before-tais-is. If-his-is. For-as-is. It-is-as-large. Is-said. Is-supposed. Is-such. As-such

Write Exercise V. of the Speed-book.