358. Treating

All Following Of Or With 511

as a "fictitious primitive" for of.


All Following Of Or With 512

as a "fictitious primitive" for with, we obtain

the useful phrases of all

All Following Of Or With 513

and with all

All Following Of Or With 514


359. Write the following;

*of all of all a of all his of all such of all such cases of all such persons of all that of all the of all these (vocalize these)

of all they

of all those

of all we do

of all which

with all

with all his

with all my reasons

with all such

with all such cases

*Graham writers may prefer to write of all by prefixing the l hook to the of tick.

with all such persons with all that with all the with all these (vocalize these)

with all they with all those with all we do with all which with all your

360. The use of the l hook in the Graham system to affix will or all to the tick word-signs has been already explained. (See Paragraphs 234-5.)

361. The careful and conservative writer will scarcely apply the l hook as the representative of will or all to other strokes than those given in the exercises of this chapter. If the student should use this expedient promiscuously or to excess - for instance, if he should write the l hook for will in such phrases as country will or day will - illegibility would certainly be the result.