Remove the entity, in this case the line, from the location of its Vivaxis. A wave link between the entity and its

Vivaxis can be recorded directionally with the use of a 90 degree angle wire. Always place the line on a level surface and record with the receiving finger held above the centre point of the line. The wave vector channelled towards the direction of the entity's Vivaxis will be recorded in such a definite manner that the angle wire will remain stationary despite commands from the brain to move; illustrating the energy flow from the line to its Vivaxis.

Similarly, if a wave test is made at the line's Vivaxis with a 90 degree angle wire, a wave vector is recorded which is channelled in the direction of the line, indicating that there is a flow of energies from the Vivaxis to the line.

If a 45 degree angle wire is used, a spinning pattern will be recorded both at the centre of the line and at the line's Vivaxis. To picture a Vivaxis one visualizes a spherical ball of spinning energies; in this case the diameter of the sphere is two inches, determined by the length of the line.

These details describe an entity and a Vivaxis with a balanced and organized energy field that are in correct resonance.

Determining the effects of sea salt and soda on an energy circuit

I did the following tests during March 1972 to determine the effects of sea salt and baking soda on an energy circuit. In this and all subsequent tests, the salt had to be sea salt; ordinary table salt did not have any reaction.

Method Of Testing

As previously described, two one inch lines were drawn from opposite directions to meet at a common point and form a single straight line. But this time the drawing of the second line was deliberately delayed by ten seconds or more. Before the line was moved from its Vivaxis and again after separating the two, wave tests were made with both the ninety degree and forty-five degree angle wires.


Every test showed an energy imbalance recorded both at the Vivaxis and at the centre of the line. The imbalance had the same characteristics that are recorded by disturbed and imbalanced code receptors. (See Born to be Magnetic, Volume 1.)


The only difference in the second experiment from the first, was the delay in completing the second portion of the line. In the first case the energies were balanced and in resonance; in the second case there was disorganization due to the time lag.

Method Of Correction

To correct the unbalanced energies discovered by the last experiment, the line was moved away from its Vivaxis; in this case to another room, where it was deliberately placed so the axis of the line was not channelled towards its Vivaxis. A small plastic bag, filled with a mixture of baking soda and sea salt in equal proportions, was placed over the line. The mixture was removed after a few seconds. Tests were then made with both the 90 degree and the 45 degree angle wires.


The mixture of sea salt and baking soda had corrected the energy balance in the line. In fact, tests along the length of the line gave wave vectors which all channelled towards the line's Vivaxis. Also, tests showed the transfer of energy waves had balanced the centre vortex of the Vivaxis. The highly significant message was that the entire energies took on a strong alignment due to the chemical mixture; the alignment lasted from ten to fifteen minutes. (See diagram no. i.) The former disturbances and energy imbalance were corrected.

A follow up testA follow up test

A follow-up test to determine if the same compounds would align a person's body fluids to one's Vivaxis

Experimenting further with a similar mixture of sea salt and soda, I passed the bag containing the salts over the entire top of my head and over each hand and foot. It was found unnecessary to touch the various parts with the bag; merely passing it over them was sufficient. Testing showed that my body fluids aligned towards my Vivaxis for a period of some ten to fifteen minutes with exactly the same pattern as if I had channelled. Various members of the research society tried the same experiment and corroborated my findings.


The fact that fluids only aligned for about one half the time compared to channelling, indicated the effect of the compounds was not as strong. This was very revealing and pointed the way for other tests. Also it cautioned us to remain in isolation in order to avoid the error of being in contact with others when one's body fluids were aligned.

Sea salt and baking soda have an exchange of energies

A quantity of dry granular sea salt, of one quarter cup volume, was placed in a plastic box and a similar portion of baking soda was put in another plastic box. The containers were set two inches apart on a table. With my recording finger over the centre point between the two boxes and a 90 degree angle wire in my right hand, I recorded a definite exchange of energies between the two compounds. Similar to the wave motion of the heart beat, the wire alternated back and forth.

When I used the 45 degree angle wire and tested above and below the centre point, a spinning pattern was recorded indicating a wave motion travelling in a vertical plane from the point. (See diagram no. 2.) When my recording finger was above the centre point the spin motion was counterclockwise; when the finger was below the point the spin changed to a clockwise direction.

Energy Waves That Penetrate Lead

A rectangular lead block, 3x3x7 inches in size, was placed so it completely overlaid the two compound containers of the last test. The energies instantly penetrated the lead and were recorded as strongly as before above the block. The ability to penetrate lead is consistent with my earlier findings and also with the experiences of others in their studies of these life flowing energies.

Are these the energies that flow through life? The elements and compounds we used are common to the earth and to our bodies. Are these the materials and energies on which our systems imprint our individual wave patterns - our individual Vivaxis and genetic codes?

One Code Receptor Stimulated By Sea Salt And Its Mate By Baking Soda

For this test I selected a knee receptor located on the forehead, flanked by its pair of code receptors. Normally these code receptors have a small arc of spin, possibly about five degrees, but the arc is increased considerably when the energy content of the circuit is stimulated. The method of finding the arc of spin is explained in Volume 1, page 123. I bent one arm of the angle wire to an angle that was a few degrees beyond the arc of spin. One of the code receptors was touched with the edge of a small plastic bag containing baking soda. I tested and the wire began to spin vigorously indicating there was now stimulation of the code receptor. Without moving my position, I tried the soda on the other code receptor of the pair; the wire became quite dead. While still facing in the same direction I used sea salt on this second receptor; the angle wire rotated vigorously, showing the receptor was now stimulated.

I then turned into a different quadrant so that the same code receptors with which I was experimenting were now on the other side of the direction to my Vivaxis. Now the code receptors reversed roles and the one that was formerly stimulated by soda was now stimulated by sea salt; the other was stimulated by soda. Similarly, the direction of their spin patterns reversed. The one that had formerly rotated clockwise now spun in a counterclockwise direction and the other which was counterclockwise became clockwise.

Energy exchange between sea salt and soda

DIAGRAM 2. Energy exchange between sea salt and soda. The energy waves penetrate lead.