Part V. Your Aura

In the tests we describe you are working within your aura, the invisible force field surrounding your body. If your hands reach out beyond the limit of your aura, there will be no response in the wires whatsoever. The latter lose all wave motion and feel absolutely lifeless. Bring the wires back within your aura and immediately you will feel fife and response in them.

Conduct the following test at a time when your force field is balanced and your wire responds by swinging correctly into the direction of which your brain is thinking, e. g., the door, the window, etc.; or in a circulating motion in clockwise or counterclockwise directions in correct response to the dictation of your brain. Either preliminary test indicates a balanced co-ordination between your brain and the force field surrounding you. Now place a horseshoe magnet on the floor, positioned either slightly toward the front, side or back of you, with the poles of the magnet facing towards you. If it is within the circumference of your aura the magnet will have an adverse disorganizing effect on your aura and force field, which will become evident when you again try the directional test.

Your energy aura expands in time of well-being and shrinks during periods of illness or if the environment of the field is severely disturbed in any way.

The following is a good test to illustrate how deep breathing and exercise expand your aura. Mark the extreme limit of your aura and place the magnet just outside, so that it has no influence on your force field while testing; next, breathe deeply and exercise. Both actions will expand your aura considerably and you will have to move the magnet much further away from you to reach beyond the circumference of your temporarily expanded aura.

Magnets have an energy force that is foreign to your vibrations and wavelengths, so be sure to make all tests brief.

Part VI. Yoga Exercises Aid In Erasing X-Rays

Recently, while in England and Scotland, I worked with a group of people who astounded me by recording very little sign of wave conflictions from X-rays. The normal conflictions were not recorded either through their testing or through mine, even though they had been subjected to the average amount of X-rays. However, all of them had one thing in common; they had been conscientiously doing yoga exercises for some time.

Later, when I had taken classes in yoga and bought a yoga record to follow, the reason for these exercisers' ability to erase most of their X-ray interference became more apparent. Yoga exercises advocate very slow movements that require deliberate concentration on each separate part of the body that is being exercised. The brain is required to send concentrated wave messages that project the Vivaxis energies strongly to the particular limb, whose bone is being slowly and firmly stressed. This combination of mind and exercise, plus very deep slow breathing, apparently has the ability, over a period of time, to erase most radiation interference introduced through X-rays. The bones that yoga exercises do not normally stress still retained the X-ray influences; these included the vertebrae in the centre hollow of the back.

Part VII. Nutrition

Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand, so at this point it is appropriate to say a few words about nutrition. For it plays a vital role in producing the right chemicals, so the body fluids have the ability to act as efficient conductors of Vivaxis energies. This thought serves as a reminder that if you correct the balance of your energies, the right food chemistry is an essential part of retaining those gains. Refer to Chapter 22 of Born to be Magnetic.

Part VIII. The Brain's Properties Of Conductivity

We have mentioned that food chemistry plays a vital role in making the body either an efficient conductor or a poor conductor of our Vivaxis energies. In the same manner man's brain can also act as an excellent or poor conductor, depending on his thought patterns. When it is at peace and tranquil, it is then compatible to the harmonious and balanced flow of Vivaxis energies. In contrast, when the brain becomes disrupted with attitudes of hate and fear, it becomes an extremely poor conductor. The following is a test that graphically exemplifies this fact. We have illustrated that if you are correctly aligned in your channel the wires will not pull away by command of the brain. However, if one's brain is made incompatible through disturbed thought patterns, the wires will automatically pull away in rejection.

You literally cease to be one with the flowing Universal energies and without them your whole being begins to disintegrate. This message serves to remind us that the mind must be tranquil and relaxed when we channel, in order to admit the flow of our own Vivaxis energies.