This story deals with a lady who came close to losing her Vivaxis and as a result came equally close to losing her life. In all probability the cause was due to the use of pesticides as the onset of the trouble coincided with a time when she had been spraying roses and potatoes in her garden. Her symptoms called to mind the reaction of insects subjected to nerve damaging insecticides.

It was early in September 1968, that I received an urgent phone call from one in the nursing profession. Her voice was troubled and distressed as she made a plea that I see her mother; for identification purposes we will refer to her mother as Joan. At the time I was committed to completing the book Vivaxis and I refused on that ground, suggesting an interview in a month's time. With emotion, she replied, "That will be too late; Mother is not likely to last more than a week due to the critical condition she is in. " Compassion reversed my decision of postponement as she related her mother's plight. For the past six months Joan had been running a continuous fever which fluctuated a great deal; in the early morning it might be several degrees below normal and by evening would often climb to a temperature as high as 102 degrees. She was suffering from extreme exhaustion; the doctors had prescribed every known antibiotic but her condition was getting progressively worse.

At this point of the conversation I was mentally debating whether polarizing would be applicable, when she anxiously described the seriously affected reflexes of her mother's throat. Joan found it difficult to talk, breathing had become more laborious and uncontrolled, and fits of coughing further aggravated the seriousness of her condition; symptoms which suggested an association with exposure to insecticide. I recalled our tests with animal bones subjected to insecticides and remembered that I found the normal pattern of magnetism was so weakened as to become imperceptible.

This despairing but hopeful nurse brought her mother over the next day voicing the sentiment that she was clutching at the final straw.

Normally the direction of a person's Vivaxis can be readily determined by wave vectors taken from the centre points of magnetic influence, where both energies or groups of quanta meet. Selected points have to be free from the disruption of X-rays.

Joan's birthplace was Chemainus, B. C., and in this instance I selected the head for determining Joan's correct wave channel to her Vivaxis. I placed her in a swivel chair faced in the general direction of Chemainus and found her head lacked completely any pattern of magnetic waves. Her Vivaxis was indeed lost or nearly lost, an extreme example of the destruction of magnetism and depolarization by pesticides. In all my experience I had never encountered such difficulty in locating a channel. I eventually employed a method where Joan was rotated through an arc of approximately one degree at a time with a waiting period of about fifteen seconds in each position. Finally our perseverance paid off for a weak but predominant wave vector reading indicated we had found her lost Vivaxis. The indicated channel was marked; after the requisite instruction, Joan stood up and followed through the manoeuvres of basic polarizing for about one minute. She was encouraged to periodically try and take deep breaths to reactivate the lungs and her throat reflexes. Signs of vitality started to return and next morning her daughter reported Joan's temperature had become normal.

Joan came back twice more with intervals of four days between each session. We concentrated on eliminating the interference of X-rays and breathing deeply in her channel. From the day she first polarized, her fluctuating temperature disappeared and within the day returned to normal and remained so. Here is a dedicated lady who, ten months later, looks twenty years younger and is convinced the knowledge of polarizing saved her life. Faithfully, she carried out basic polarizing once a week until all discrepancies had disappeared and today looks a picture of radiant health.

This story illustrates an unpleasant example of man tampering with a basic law of nature without being aware of the full effects to ourselves and the things around us. Fortunately, the world is gradually becoming conscious of the dangers of insecticides, and there are now many who express the need for moderation and the proper controls of these chemicals. As an example, the Province, a well respected daily newspaper of Vancouver, B. C., in its issue of June 23, 1969, discussed the results of an investigation by pathologists at the University of Miami, into the use of D. D. T. and related insecticides within the home. The paper quotes from the findings of the study, "The home use of pesticides is one, if not the major factor, in the occurrence of high body levels of D. D. T.... The most convincing relationship between pesticide concentration and disease revealed in the study was found in the consistently high concentrations of D. D. T. present in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, cancer and hypertension. "

Another example was in the July 6, 1969, issue of the Daily Colonist of Victoria, B. C., where there appeared an article entitled "D. D. T. Believed Wrecking Planet's Environment". It stated, "Even if we stopped using it today, there may be enough D. D. T. already distributed throughout our planet to cause harm to wild life for decades to come.... D. D. T. is a global contamination; its residues are found in snowy owls in the Arctic, penguins in the Antarctic, fish in the Baltic Sea and people everywhere. "

Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson, disclosed some of the tragedies wrought upon our wild life as revealed by her authentic but spine chilling statistics. But what statistics have we to show the unwitting damage caused to human beings from pesticide spray bombs used so freely in food stores, restaurants, hotel rooms and many homes? Which represents the greater threat, a few insects or the disruption and weakening of our life dependent "atomic magnetic alignment"?

Due to the presence of pesticides found in their milk, Sweden has decided to place a two-year ban on the use of D. D. T., Aldrin and Dieldrin, starting January 1970. The state of Arizona has placed a one year ban on D. D. T. in commercial agriculture, the state of Michigan has made the sale and use of D. D. T. illegal. Gradually the world begins to realize the long range effects of pesticides and the cry for control and abolition grows louder.