The Artistic Hand is characterized by smooth Fingers whose nailed Phalanges assume the form of Cones or of elongated Thimbles. Plastic arts, painting, sculpture, monumental architecture, poetry of the imagination and of the senses, cultivation of the beautiful in the solid and visible form, romantic charms, antipathy to rigorous deduction, desire of social independence, propensity to enthusiasm, subjection to phantasy - all these qualities and defects are distinctively represented by the Artistic, the Conical Hand.

II The Artistic Hand 33

The Palm is here larger and thicker than in the Psychic type; it is much more "of the Earth, earthy;" it is soft - sometimes too soft - as such genius as the Artistic Hand possesses is frequently accompanied by what the active business man, with his elastic or even hard Palm and his Square or Spatulat-e Fingers, rather contemptuously calls " laziness," Dreaminess, self-concentration is needed and practiced by the owners of Conical Hands during the pe-riod of conception, of incubation of the thought, in art, music, literature, that will call forth, perhaps, some day, the plaudits of the whole world - including the business-man above mentioned.

The Conical Hand, according- to slight modifications in its formation, betrays three very different tendencies; - supply, with a small Thumb and a Palm fairly. but not excessively, developed, it has for the object of its endeavors, beauty of form:broad thick, and short, with a large Thumb, it seeks wealth, greatness and fame (Napoleon's hand was like this); large and very firm, it has a strong tendency to fatalism. All three act by inspiration, and are relatively unfitted for the mechanical arts, although less so than the Psychic Hand. The third proceeds by enthusiasm, the second, by cunning, and the first obeys the suggestions of pleasure.

"Whoever has a hand thus formed," writes d'Arpcntigny, "will attach himself, instinctively and without reflection, to the picturesque aspect of ideas and things; he will prefer that which pleases to that which pays. So long as a thing is beautiful it does not matter if it be true or not; greedy of leisure, of novelty, of liberty, at the same time ardent and timid, humble and vain, he will have more energy and enthusiasm than force and power. He will pass suddenly from the loftiest exaltation of mind to the pro-foundest despair. Incapable of command, and still more incapable of obedience, attraction will be his guide through life, rather than duty. Inclined to enthusiasm, he will live in constant need of excitement, and the activity of his mind will render regular domestic life heavy and uninteresting to him. In a word, he will be a man of sentiments rather than of ideas, appreciating the colors of a thing rather than its features; he will be light in character, he will have ingenuousness and eagerness, an imagination of fire, and, too often, a heart of ice."

Let us now push this type to extremes, and what do we find?

A fairly large Palm, smooth fingers, a weak Thumb, still more Conical Fingertips, i. e.„ large appetites for sensual pleasures, without sufficient moral control, and a mind lacking the strength to subject the senses to its dominion, the whole built upon a foundation of only slightly spiritual ideas. And this pictures - says d'Arpentigny - the character of artists, for in truth, beauty is the only thing they prefer to pleasure.

"Subjects of the Artistic types," writes the master, "do not share the ideas of the other types upon right or wrung.

upon what is good or what is useful; they often possess instinctive religious faith, because it saves them the trouble of reasoning, without robbing their esthetical sense of any pleasurable feelings; but they will not stand political despotism, because its essential principles are the levelling of ranks, uniformity and monotonous quietude - conditions strongly contrary to their natures; theirs therefore is generally relative liberty, such as is found tinder aristocratic governments, for such rulers have always used as their most effective instruments of power, luxury, pleasures, magnificent displays, and art in its highest manifestations. They are therefore the natural friends and patrons of the Artistic Hands.

"Generals with the Conical, Artistic Hand proceed by inspiration, and move by sallies; they are gifted with prowess, prompitude, passionate instincts, boast-fulness, and the talent of acting impromptu; they attach more importance to passing glory than to solid, durable success."

The typical Woman's Hand, which we shall study at the end of this chapter, belongs, to a great extent, to the family of Artistic-Conical Hands.