Map Of The Hand

29. Illustration - 31. "Back of the Hand:" 1. Hand Proper; 2. Fingers; 3. Thumb; 4. Tips; 5. Knots; 6. Nails; 7. Hair. "Inside of the Hand:" 1. Mounts (Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Upper Mars, Moon, Venus, Lower Mars); 2. Palm Proper or Plain of Mars; 3. Main Lines (Life. Head, Heart, Fate, Sun. Liver. Via Lasciva, Intuition, Mars, Girdle of Venus, Rascette, Union); 4. Minor Lines; 5. Signs.


(See Union.)

Marriage. III-Fated

Case: 184.

Marriage, Unfortunate

Case: 281.

Marriage, Unfortunate

Case: 180.

Mars, Lower Mount Of

1. Position - 85. 2. Meanings - 87. 3. Displacements - 89. 4. Revealing Illnesses - 90. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicide - 90. 6. Signs - 121. Signature (in common with Upper Mount of Mars); a. Physical Peculiarities - 131; b. Health Peculiarities - 132; c. Mental and Moral Peculiarities - 132. 8. In combination with another prominent Mount - 137.

Mars, The Line Of

194. [Position and Direction - 194. 2. Character - 194. 3. Starting Points and Forks at the Termination - 195. 4, Breaks and Signs - 195. 5. Special Observations - 195

Mars, Upper Mount Of

I. Position - 84. 2. Meanings - 86. 3. Displacements - 89. 4. Revealing Illnesses - 89, 5, Revealing Mode of Suicide - 90. 6. Signs - io8. 7. Signature (in common with Lower Mount of Mars,): a. Physical Peculiarities - 131; b. Health Peculiarities - 132; c. Mental and Moral Peculiarities - 132. 8. In combination with another prominent Mount - 137.

Mathematics, Higher, Aptitude For

Dry, hard palm. Long, knotted fingers. The Fourth Finger above normal. The Mounts of Mercury and (sometimes) Saturn predominant. Second phalanges of Fingers and Thumb above normal. Very straight Line of Head. Mounts of the Moon and (often) the Sun absent.

May de Francoine, Phillipe; a French-msn: author of "La Chiromancie Medicinale" (The Hague: 1665).


Thin, hard palm. Fingers close together and bent forward. Very narrow Quadrangle, due to Line of Heart curving abnormally toward Line of Head.

Mechanical Parts Of Fine Arts, Aptitude For

Hand proper longer than fingets, the latter with square tips and Second Knots marked. Mount of Mercury thrown toward Mount of the Sun. Straight Line of Head.

Medical Stigmata

Four to seven dear downward lines on the Mount of Mercury denote the scientist, espcially the physician or surgeon.

Medium. Extra Lucid

Case: 212.


A grille on the Mount of the Moon. Exaggerate or much lined Mount of Saturn. Drooping Line of Head. No Mounts of the Sun or Jupiter. Wavy downward lines on third phalanx of Second Finger.

Melton, John; an Englishman; author of "A5trologa5ter, or the Figure Caster" (London: 1620).

Memory, Gift Of

Remarkably fine, straight Lines of Head and Liver, with First and Fourth Fingers markedly conical.

Memory, Loss Of

A much broken up Line of Head. A wavy or fragmentary Line of Liver.

Mensal. The

The Line of Heart - 30.

Mercenary Spirit In Intellectual Or Ar-Mtio Work

Hard palm; square tipped lingers, Third Finger leaning toward Fourth. Third Finger too short. Line of Head very straight and stiff. Mount of the Moon insignificant Line of the Sun terminating on Mount of Mercury.

Mercury, Mount Of

1. Position - 84. 2. Meanings - 86. 3. Displacements - 89. 4. Revealing Illnesses - 89. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicides - 90. 6. Signs - 104. 7. Signature: a. Physical Peculiarities - 129; b. Health Peculiarities - 129; c. Mental and Moral Peculiarities - 130. 8. In combination with another prominent Mount - 137.

Mesalliance. A

A Line of Union cutting the Line of the Sun. Metacarpus or Metacarpal Bones. - 35.

The five bones forming the body Of the hand." Meticulous, Teasing. Tormenting Dis-tion. - See Fault-Finding.


The study of physiognomy. From the Greek words "meto-pon,' the forehead, and "Scopein." to view.

Meyens, Dr. Philipp; a German; author of "Chiromantia Medica" (1667).

Middle Ages

16. The historical period that extends from the Fall of the Roman Empire (476) to the Conquest Constantinople by the Turks (1453).


Hand proper longer than fingers, with square lingers. Mounts and Plain of Mars predominant. Strong Mounts of Venus and Jupiter Often the three Chief Lines only. Triangles on Upper Mount of Mars and Plain of Mars, due deep line on third phalanx of second finger.

Milky Way. The - The Via Laseiva

Ministry, Aptitude for the Pointed First Finger. Short nails. Moderate Mount of Venus. Good Lines of Head and Heart. A cross in the Q rangle under the Mount of Saturn.

Misanthrope, The

Loong knotty often spatulate. Fingers. A very pronounced or bad]] marked Mount of Saturn, Absence of the Mounts of the Sun and Venus. Short Line of I Iran,

Miserly Disposition

Hand thin and hard. Thumb close to first finger Fingers bent inward. Line of Head cutting Hand like a bar. Line of Heart often absent, or, if there, forming a very narrow Quadrangle.

Misuse Of Artistic Or Intellectual Tal-Ems

Third Finger crooked Mount of the Sun thrown toward a very had Mount of Mercury. Kxaggrratr Mount of the Moon. No Mount of Jupiter. Often an exaggerate or much lined Mount of Saturn.

Monomania Of Persecution

Case: 347, Montaigne, Michel de; a Frenchman (1533-1602); author of "Essais." Long and curious passage concerning Palmistry in the Paris edition of his works (1854), II., p. 282.

Moon, Mount Of The

1. Position - 84. 2. Meanings - 86. 3. Displacements - 89. 4. Revealing Illness - go. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicide - 90. 6. Signs - in. 7. Signature: a. Physical Peculiarities - 133; b. Health Peculiarities - 133; c. Mental and Moral Peculiarities - 134. 7. In combination with another prominent Mount - 137.