To complete Division One (see p. 141), I have to present here the few observations that have been gathered concerning the Sister Line of the Line of Life, called The Line of Mars - doubt-less because it often starts inside the Lower Mount of Mars - and the three Bracelets of Life constituting the lower boundary of the Palm and called, together. The Rascette. These four lines have always been considered as concerning especially the Longevity of the subject or the state of his health. In fact, most of the other observations brought forward concerning these lines I have found purely traditional and difficult to explain logically; besides, I failed to find the meanings given them warranted in the few cases when they happened to come under my personal examination. Still, they are worthy of enumeration, and the student, in his diagnosis, may find them more reliable. I begin with

I. Position And Direction

I Position And Direction 430

Position. Normal.

Running close and parallel to the Line of Life, on the Lower Mount of Mars and the Mount of Venus - It Corrects many of the breaks and defects of the Line of Life. It gives assurance, self-respect, and, with a good Mount of Jupiter, a desirable amount of pride. Also a promise of success and fortune when confirmed elsewhere.

Running quite parallel to the Line of Life, like the two rails of a track, especially along the latter portion of the Line of Life - Death away from one's own country. (See p. So.)

I Position And Direction 431

Running only for a limited space as a sister line to the Line of Life - Its influence is limited to the Space of time indicated upon the Line of Life it partially duplicates.

II. Character

Slightly more pink than the natural coloring of the skin and with a hand announcing decision and perseverance -

Of great assistance to an officer in command, or to a society leader with an important function to manage.

Too deep or broad, with red coloring - A sign of great heat and violence in sensual passions; of an easily aroused anger; of a masterful spirit. Especially so in a thick, hard hand with exaggerate Mounts of Mars and highly colored lines.

III. Starting Points And Forks At The Start

At the date corresponding to its start-ing point - A love affair began, or is to begin.

Traditional - This is very much in the line of the observations I inserted on page 174, concerning the Lines of Influence concentric to the Line of Life (which see).

IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination

Accompanying only the final portion of the Line of Life, in a hand containing indications of a very violent nature - Tendency to murder. Especially if the Line is deep and red.

Terminating in a fork, one prong of which enters the Mount of the Moon -

IV Termination And Forks At The Termination 432

Intemperance of every kind, due to a superabundance of the animal nature; often amounts almost to brutal insan-ity.

Terminating in a fork, one prong of which enters the Mount of the Moon and ends in a star - Alcoholic intemperance. Add to this a black spot on the Line of Head - Death from delirium tremens or alcoholic insanity.

V. Breaks And Signs

These must be read as Breaks and Signs in the Line of Life, and always in connection with it.

Special Observatons

Special Observatons 433

Other sister lines of the Line of Life, further inside the Mount of Venus - Influences of other people over the subject's life. The intensity and duration of this influence reckoned in accordance to the length, depth and nearness of these lines to the Line of Life..

This belongs more properly to the chapter on Lines of Influence within the Mounts of Venus and Lower Mars, (pp. 173-41).

Other indications relating to the duration of life and to its happiness or ill-luck are found in these three lines on the wrist, called the Bracelets or Restreintes (because they restrict or limit the hand), and the combination of which constitutes