The general considerations concerning the Line of the Sun need occupy but a very little space, since I have already mentioned the fact that this Line is to be mainly considered as a sister line to the Line of Fate, or, even more comprehensively, as a second Line of Fate.

There is another point, however, that ought to be ventilated and settled herein to the satisfaction of the student who is often puzzled by the general readings of this Line, in the majority of Palmistic Primers and even more advanced works. They are based, as a rule, upon the existence or lack of promise of artistic success of the subject. This confines the meaning of the Line of the Sun within pretty narrow limits and leaves aside the other, infinitely more frequent, interpretations of the Line, those that refer to the fame or "good name" of the subject and to the wealth coming to him. For my part, I feel no hesitation in stating that there are four different classes of indications to be obtained from the close examination of the Sixth Chief Line; they are:

1. Those referring to its general characteristic of Second Line of Fate;

2. Those referring to the Intellectuality and the Artistic Aptitudes of the subject;

3. Those referring to the Reputation or Frame the subject may attain - meaning by the word reputation or fame, not only a high degree of celebrity, but everything that concerns the good name or fair reputation of the subject among his peers, to whatever social stratum he may belong;

4. Finally those indications referring to the Financial Prosperity of the subject; this is included, of course, in the readings under the first paragraph, but with this marked difference, that, in my opinion, the wealth in store for the subject, when indicated only oh the Line of the Sun, is to come to him without actual work, i. e., by inheritance, or speculative venture (remember that the third finger - just above the Line - is the gambling finger), or as a reward for some great artistic Or literary achievement; the latter, of course, entailing work, and often a. good deal of it; but the work of genius, or at least unusual talent, not the commonplace labor of the everyday toiler.

I. Position And Direction

Normal: Starts near the Rascette and between the Mounts of Venus and the Moon, ending- on the Mount of the Sun - Brilliant intellectuality. Fame and wealth.

I Position And Direction 867