The Boy Scout Week program is a wonderful opportunity for all Scouts to prepare interesting exhibits for the purpose of demonstrating to their parents, friends, relatives and neighbors, some of the interesting features of the Boy Scout program.


These exhibits may be held in connection with your council's program for Boy Scout Week, or with such local activities as church affairs, grange meetings, a parent's night program, or merely placed in a store window.


Arrange to have your material assembled and ready to display during Boy Scout Week in February. It would be fine if the exhibit could be on display for the whole week.


Perhaps the most practical type of exhibit is to select a Merit Badge in which you are particularly interested and then arrange a display and a demonstration to show how the requirements for that Merit Badge subject are fulfilled by Scouts. Your Local Merit Badge Counselor in the subject will probably be glad to help you, and you might secure the cooperation of local trades or sales people or industries in arranging the loan of equipment which might be necessary.

Scout Service At Tompkins County Fair New York



The material should be attractively placed to make a good exhibit. The exhibit multiplies its value when it is possible to have active Scouts putting on a continuous demonstration of the fulfillment of the requirements for the Merit Badge. Be sure to have available literature on Scouting to hand out to any who might inquire about the program.