REFERENCE was made in Chat 22 to the plan of organization and promotion of Sea Scouting. To succeed, a Sea Scout Patrol or Ship needs the leadership of a man familiar with Scouting and willing to study the special program features dsecribed in the Sea Scout Manual and the Handbook for Skippers. It is not possible in this brief space to do more than touch upon these activities.

Indoor Meeting

Sea Scouts have weekly meetings just as Troops do and the meetings are in many ways quite similar. Compare the parts of a Troop meeting with those of a Sea Scout meeting as outlined in the Handbook for Skippers.

It should be understood that the Sea Scouts, whether they are members of a Sea Scout Patrol in a Troop or of a separate Sea Scout Ship, meet separately from the Troop—that is they have a meeting place of their own and although they may participate in the Troop meetings, other members of the Troop do not participate in the Sea Scout meetings.


Just as the motivating principle for meeting requirements in Scouting is to qualify for camping and hiking and outdoor activities, so in Sea Scouting the object is to qualify in seamanship. Elaborate equipment is not necessary, at least in the beginning. In the early stages, canoes, small rowboats and small sailing boats have been found quite adequate. In many cases the Sea Scouts themselves have built efficient boats. Almost every boy in the country is within reasonable distance of a body of water on which small boats can be sailed. Of course, all Sea Scout activities on the water are carried out in accordance with the principles of water safety specified by the National Council.

The Scout Oath And Law And Ideals Of Service

Sea Scouts pledge themselves to the Scout Oath and Law, and the ultimate objectives of all Sea Scouting activities, as in Scouting activities, are character building and citizenship training. Because of the special training Sea Scouts receive, and because of their older age and outstanding character, there are many opportunities for effective civic service. In time of flood they have repeatedly demonstrated their efficiency but they are also well qualified to participate in other forms of civic service.

Courtesy is the outward expression of a gentleman

"Courtesy is the outward expression of a gentleman." How to pipe their officers aboard, is a ceremony that Sea Scouts learn and enjoy.

The Sea Scout Uniform

The Uniform of the Sea Scout differs from the Uniform of the Scout and is appropriate to the type of activity in which he participates. The Sea Scout Uniform is also appropriate to the ceremonies of Sea Scouting and is a very valuable adjunct to the training of the Sea Scouts. Wearing of this distinctive Uniform is built up very easily among older boys.


The ceremonies in Sea Scouting are considered one of the richest parts of the program and are built around very old traditions. They are simple in execution, colorful, interesting and enjoyable. They have been included in the Sea Scout Program because it has been amply demonstrated that boys in their upper 'teens have a great desire for participation in them. This has been proved by the fact that the Sea Scout Patrols and Ships that have the ceremonies are the ones which keep boys longest.


Among the outstanding events of the year for Sea Scouting are the Sea Scout Regattas or Rendezvous which are held in many parts of the country. They are similar to Camporals. Sea Scouts from many Councils come together and camp, bringing their own camping equipment, their own boats and have a whole week for an intensive program of sailing and swimming.

In addition to sailing and cruising, Sea Scouts participate in other outdoor activities such as skating and ice racing, skiing and winter camping. The program is rich in opportunities for boys to stay in the out-of-doors all the year round.