We See A Patrol In Operation

"Eddy, I see you have one man absent tonight. What is the matter? Sick, eh? Do you know he is sick? Oh, his mother called up—I see {Aside: Of course we try to get every Patrol Leader to feel he is absolutely responsible for knowing where everybody is.)

"Are your dues collected, Eddy? Let me see the envelope. You see, we have each Patrol collect its own dues and slip them in this envelope which we have mimeographed. They write the Scouts' names as present or absent and whether they pay their dues. Then it is turned over to the Scribe. That saves time in calling the roll and all that sort of thing. The Scribe makes the rounds of the Patrols and collects the envelopes.

"All right, Joe. I reckon it is about time. Yes, I am all ready. (Assembly blows.)

"We have a fine bugler. Fine boy, too. Yes, I let Joe, the S. P. L., take charge of the opening ceremony. You see here they are lining up in their corners. I don't believe in Troop front very much. Where they are now they can see each other. If you get them all in Troop front, they can't see everybody. I want them all to look at each other and that is why I have them out like that.

The Meeting Begins

"Now the Senior is calling for the reports of Patrol activities. Every once in a while we feel it is a good thing to have every Patrol give a little check on what it has done during the week. Now you listen to this crowd over here, the 'Robins.' He said they had a Patrol meeting down at Ed Lewis' house, where they have a den in the cellar. They are all working on Indian headdresses. One boy took a course and he is teaching the rest. I am going to let it filter out from that Patrol. If the other fellows want to get it, they'll have to get it from the 'Robins.' They sent the fellow to the course, so let them have the credit.

"He is telling that they are going to work up an entertainment for the parents. I bet it will be terrible but it will be their own show anyway.

"Listen to this Patrol! He said the whole Patrol went down and filled in a gulley that had washed out in the Blackstone Park. Excuse me.

To the whole Troop: "All right. Good work! Take your post, Senior.

"Scouts, I have heard these reports of Patrol activities. I am very glad about the 'Robins.' I expect their entertainment to be one of the big stunts of the year. But I have been especially interested in the report of the Good Turn by the 'Flying Eagles.' I think that stunt of taking the boy to school in his wheel-chair was splendid. I hope somebody will invite him to join the Troop when he is old enough.

"We have a big program tonight. So go to it.

Instruction And Games

To visitor: "I like to say something occasionally, so they will know I am Scoutmaster. The fellow who is getting the boy ready for instruction is our Assistant Scoutmaster in charge of advancement. I believe that having functional Assistant Scoutmasters is a good plan. I always believe in a man having a particular job. The other Assistant over there is our outdoor man. He handles all the hikes and so forth. We all help plan them but their operation is his particular responsibility.

"Tonight Fred has arranged to have a forester talk on the Forestry Merit Badge and Forest Fires, this being 'forestry month.'

"Now will you excuse me, or do you want to come with me? During the instruction period I usually go into the office and talk with a candidate. There is nothing like spending time on candidates. The Patrol Leaders and instructors are running the Troop and I want to talk with each candidate.


"Now this next period is game period. Thus far we have had a couple of inactive periods so we are going to have the game period next. Who is in charge of that? Oh, yes, the outdoor man. Henry, tell our visitor what kind of games you are running tonight. Yes, this being Forestry Week, he says they have planned some forestry nature games. Are they active games, running games, Henry? Oh, I see. You have some nature relays, a nature spell-down and a Patrol contest in judging on wood and leaves. I think that makes a very good combination.

I would be glad to have you watch the games. If you will excuse me, I'm going to check up with the Scribe. I think everything will go all right. Then we will come to the last period with a few songs and yells and an investiture. I run this, as Scoutmaster, because it is highly important. We have our closing ceremony, put on by the Honor Patrol.


"And now that that is over, Mr. Visitor, I would be very glad to have you come into our Troop Leaders' Council Meeting, because after all that is the most important thing in the whole business.

The new boy who has participated in his first meeting

The new boy who has participated in his first meeting is introduced to his future leaders.