Business Property.


I present below what I POSITIVELY KNOW to be the four best investment propositions on all JEFFERSON ST., and that means the four best in Los Angeles (for a moderate amount of money,) because JEFFERSON is now LOWER in price than any other street of anything like its importance in this city. It has not been "boomed" as have most of the others. Great jumps in price, like those on Washington, Pico, Figueroa and Main, are YET TO COME, and they will come SOON. It is natural and ONLY cross-town business street for the southern end of town, and it offers to the scientific investor opportunities that he will seek in vain elsewhere.

If you ever lived in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, or any of the other large eastern cities, go out and study JEFFERSON, and see what a striking analogy there is between it and such streets as 39th and 47th in Chicago and 59th or 125th in New York, which I might add, are cross-town thoroughfares, removed several miles from the downtown center, and yet among the GREATEST business street of this country. What they have become, JEFFERSON will become, and the time is not so far away when JEFFERSON, between Main and Figueroa, will be worth $250 a foot. This may seem strange, but IT IS TRUE.

Here are the FOUR. There is a certain profit on each one of from FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED per cent, in the next eight months.

Corner Grand and JEFFERSON - 100x185 on JEFFERSON, income $100 a month, and only ONE-FIFTH improved. Five stores could be put on this corner and rented IMMEDIATELY. $10,000 cash in this will DOUBLE within a year.

51x160, near Grand, $3,250. This is the ONLY vacant lot on the south side of JEFFERSON, between Main and Figueroa, and is a grand little buy. Get it and they'll have to come to you. Price goes to $3,500 if not sold Feb. 15.

Corner on JEFFERSON, near Grand, with 5-room house, $3,750. It's worth $4,000 now, and in a few months it will be $5000.

50x140, with fine 9-room house, few feet west of Main on south, side street. Price $7,000. The lot ALONE is worth $4,500, and the house $3,000.

The above prices are for NOW. They'll be DIFFERENT a month hence, because they are the LAST three pieces left on the original options I secured on JEFFERSON early in January. Everything else is 20 per cent higher. Just inquire and see if I am right.

RALPH SULLIVAN, Phone Home 5985. 142 S. Broadway. Room 105.