Gustave Wippers

Gustave Wippers, a Flemish painter, born in Antwerp in 1803, died in Paris, Dec. 6, 1874. He studied in Antwerp and in Paris, and adopted the style of the romantic school. His " Devotions of the Burgomasters of Leyden" established his reputation in 1830 as an original historical painter. His most celebrated works are "Christ at the Sepulchre," " Charles I. taking Leave of his Children," "Charles IX. on the Night of St. Bartholomew," " Peter the Great at Saardam," "Execution of Anne Boleyn," "Defence of Rhodes by the Knights of St. John," and "The Great Fishery of Antwerp." He was secretary of Leopold I., who made him a baron; and he was director of the academy of Antwerp until about 1855, when he removed to Paris.

Gustavo Lemoine

Gustavo Lemoine, a French dramatist, born in Paris, Oct. 29, 1786. He succeeded his father as a music dealer, and published several works for the piano, and in 1836 the libretto of the comic opera Le mauvais ceil, and many ballads, which were set to music by Mme. Loisa Puget, whom he married. He is the author of several dramas, the most popular being La grace de Dieu (1841), which has been performed more than 500 times at the Gaite theatre, and which became the text of Donizetti's Linda di Chamounix. An operetta by his wife, La veilleuse, was given in 1869.

Gustavus Vasa

See Gustavus I.


Gustrow , a town of Germany, in the grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, on the Nebel, and on a branch of the Schwerin and Rostock railway, 22 m. S. of Rostock; pop. in 1871, 10,575. It has several churches, among them a cathedral built in the 13th century, a former castle which is now a state workhouse, a gymnasium and other literary institutions, a hospital, manufactories of tobacco and machines, iron founderies, tanneries, and breweries. Horse races and cattle shows are held annually.


Guthrie , a S. W. county of Iowa, drained by the middle fork of Raccoon river; area, 576 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 7,061. The soil is fertile. The Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific railroad intersects the S. part. The chief productions in 1870 were 164,012 bushels of wheat, 447,380 of Indian corn, 73,827 of oats, 12,873 of potatoes, 120,390 lbs. of butter, 35,180 of wool, and 10,405 tons of hay. There were 2,692 horses, 2,077 milch cows, 3,552 other cattle, 9,480 sheep, and 8,599 swine; 3 saw mills, and 2 woollen factories. Capital, Panova.


Guysborough , an E. county of Nova Scotia, Canada, bordering N. E. on the gut of Canso and Chedabucto bay, and S. E. on the Atlantic; area, 1,656 sq. m.; pop. in 1871, 16,555, of whom 5,348 were of Scotch, 4.000 of Irish, 3,575 of English, and 1,190 of French origin. It is intersected by the St. Mary's and other rivers, and the coast is indented by numerous inlets. The fisheries are important, and gold mining is carried on at several points. Along the coast the land is rocky and barren, but in the interior there are some excellent farming tracts. Capital, Guysborough.