Maurice Of Saxony

See Saxe.

Mauro Macchi

Mauro Macchi, an Italian author, born in Milan about 1815. He was professor of rhetoric, but the Austrian government removed him from that post in 1839. He was afterward secretary of a scientific association established by Ugo Foscolo; but Austrian persecutions drove him to Turin, where he joined Brofferio in a journalistic enterprise. He returned to Milan in 1848, and founded an association of workmen, before whom he gave gratuitous lectures, but was not permitted to continue them after the Austrian victory at Novara. In 1850 he was expelled from Genoa, where he had published a republican journal, but was allowed to reside there in 1851. He became editor-in-chief of Il Diritto, the most influential journal of Turin, and in 1861 represented Cremona in parliament, as an ultra liberal, but advocating an alliance with France. Among his more recent works is a "History of the Council of Ten."


See Mavrocordatos.


Maury, a central county of Tennessee, intersected by Duck river and drained by its tributaries; area, 570 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 36,289, of whom 16,265 were colored. It has a diversified surface, and the soil is fertile. It is intersected by the Nashville and Montgomery line of the Louisville, Nashville, and Great Southern railroad, and the branch to Mount Pleasant. The chief productions in 1870 were 200,684 bushels of wheat, 1,449,935 of Indian corn, 61,387 of oats, 28,570 of Irish and 24,962 of sweet potatoes, 14,245 lbs. of tobacco. 35,-544 of wool, 167,372 of butter, 4,114 tons of hay, and 9,367 bales of cotton. There were 8,464 horses, 5,346 mules and asses, 6,735 cows, 11,093 other cattle, 21,330 sheep, and 53,124 swine; 3 flour mills, 1 cotton mill, 16 saw mills, 14 tanneries, and 6 wool-carding and cloth-dressing establishments. Capital, Columbia.


See Halicarnassus.

Mauve (Fr. Purple Mallow)

Mauve (Fr. Purple Mallow), a dyeing ma-terial obtained by the oxidation of aniline, a product of coal tar. It was first extracted by Mr. Perkin of England, who gave it this name. It is prepared by dissolving equivalent proportions of sulphate of aniline and bichromate of potash in water, mixing, and allowing them to stand some hours. A. black precipitate, obtained on filtering, is washed, dried, and digested in coal-tar naphtha to extract a brown resinous substance. The coloring matter is then extracted by digestion in alcohol, and is obtained on distilling off the spirit in a coppery friable mass; or it may be kept liquid in alcohol. The colors it gives are a variety of shades of purple, the blue predominating in some, and red in others. (See Aniline, and Dyeing).


Maverick, a S. W. county of Texas, separated from Mexico by the Rio Grande, and intersected by San Ambrosio river; area, 900 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 1,951, of whom 281 were colored. Only a small portion of the land is fit for cultivation. The chief productions in 1870 were 8,315 bushels of Indian corn and 24,060 lbs. of wool. There were 294 horses, 797 milch cows, 28,863 other cattle, and 17,932 sheep. Capital, Eagle Pass.