Otto Bohtlingx

Otto Bohtlingx, a Russian orientalist, of German descent, born in St. Petersburg, May 30, 1815. He studied at Berlin and Bonn, and became a member of the St. Petersburg academy of sciences and councillor of state. He edited Vopadeva's grammar (St. Petersburg, 1846), Kalidasa's Sakuntala (with translation, Bonn, 1842), and Hematchandra's lexicon (St. Petersburg, 1847), and published a grammar and lexicon of the Yakut language (3 vols., 1849-51), and "Indian Aphorisms" (Indische Spruche, 2 vols., 1863-'4). His principal work is the great Sanskrit dictionary (Sanskrit- Wor-terbuch), prepared conjointly with Prof. Rudolph Roth of Tubingen and published by the St. Petersburg academy (7 vols., 1853-67).

Otto Jahn

Otto Jahn, a German philologist, born in Kiel, June 16, 1813, died in Gottingen, Sept. 9, 1869. He studied in Kiel, Leipsic, Berlin, Paris, and Rome, and was successively professor at Kiel, Greifswald, and Leipsic till 1851, when he was suspended on account of his liberalism in 1848-'9. In 1855 he was transferred to Bonn. He was eminent as an expounder of classical archaeology and philology.

Among his numerous works are valuable editions of Latin classics, instructive works relating to ancient Greek and Roman art, and a celebrated biography of Mozart (4 vols., Leipsic, 1856-'9; 2d revised ed., 1867). He wrote an essay on Goethe's Iphigenia, edited Goethe's letters to his Leipsic friends, and published Ludwig Uhland (1863), Gesammelte Aufsatze uber Musik (1866), Biographische Aufsatze (1867), and Aus der Alterthumswissenschaft (Bonn, 1868).

Otto Julius Bernhard Corvin-Wlersbitzki

Otto Julius Bernhard Corvin-Wlersbitzki, a German revolutionist, born at Gumbinnen, East Prussia, in 1812. He was a lieutenant in the Prussian army from 1830 to 1835, participated in the Baden insurrections of 1848 and 1849, and was sentenced to death by court martial; but in consideration of his having prompted the surrender of Rastadt to the authorities, the punishment was commuted to 10 years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, from which he was released in 1855. During the American civil war he was correspondent of the Augsburg Allge-7neine Zeitung, residing in Washington, and he acted in the same capacity during the Franco-German war. With Hell he published the Illus-trirte Weltgeschichte in numbers (Leipsic, 1844-'51). His other principal work is Aus dem Leben eines Volkamp-fers (4 vols., Amsterdam, 1861), which has also appeared in English.

Otto Linne Erdmann

Otto Linne Erdmann, a German chemist, born in Dresden, April 11, 1804, died in Leipsic, Oct. 9, 1869. He was professor at the university of Leipsic from 1830 till his death. He was particularly famous as the founder of Erd-mann's Journal fur praktisclie Chemie (1834), to which he contributed numerous valuable articles. The laboratory established by him in Leipsic was in its day one of the best in Germany, and he was one of the most successful and popular teachers in Europe. He published several books, including Lehrbuch der Chemie and Grundriss der Waarenkunde, which passed through many editions. He devoted much time to the chemical analysis of indigo and other dyestuffs, and his writings embodying the results of his investigations are not only useful to men of science, but also to merchants,