Carne. I. Louis Marcein, count de, a French author, born at Quimper, Feb. 17, 1804. He early entered the diplomatic service. In 1839 he was elected to the chamber of deputies, where he was a follower of Lamartine. Ho opposed the Pritchard indemnity and other measures of Guizot's foreign policy, but in 1847 accepted the presidency over the commercial department in the ministry of foreign affairs, retiring after the revolution of Feb. 24,1848. He was elected a member of the academy in 1803. In 1809 he was defeated as an ultramontane candidate for the legislative body. His numerous publications include Etudes sur l'histoire du gouvernement representatif en France de 1789 d 1848 (2 vols., 1855), and Etudes sur les fon-dateurs de l'unite francaise (2 vols., 1848-'56). II. Louis de, son of the preceding, born in Brittany in 1843, died there in 1870. After having finished his studies, he was admitted in 1863 to the commercial department of the ministry of foreign affairs; and his uncle, Admiral La Grandiere, exciting his interest in Cochin China, he was appointed by Drouyn de Lhuys in 1865 secretary of the scientific mission to the Mekong. He distinguished himself as an explorer, and wrote Voyage en Indo- Chine et dans l'empire chinois, edited by his father after his death (Paris, 1872; translated into English, London, 1872).