Heinrich Kiepert, a German geographer, born in Berlin, July 31, 1818. He studied under Ritter, explored Asia Minor in 1841-'2, and was director of the geographical institute at Weimar from 1845 till the end of 1852, when he returned to Berlin, and became a member of the academy of sciences and a lecturer, and in 1859 a professor in the university. In 1865 he joined the statistical bureau. He published, with the assistance of Ritter, the Atlas von Hellas und den hellenischen Colonien (Berlin, 1840-'46; revised ed., 1866). His other works include maps for Robinson's "Biblical Researches in Palestine "(Halle, 1843); a celebrated map of Asia Minor (1843-'5); Historisch-geographische Erlauterung der Kriege zwischen dew, ostrbmischen Reiche und den persischen Konigen der Sassaniden-Dynastie, which won a prize from the French institute in 1844, though not yet published; eight maps to Lepsius's " Monuments of Egypt and Ethiopia" (Berlin, 1849-'59); Historisch-geographischer Atlas der alien Welt (16 maps, Weimar, 1848; 15th ed., 1864); Neuer Handatlas der Erde (40 maps, Berlin, 1857-'61; enlarged ed., 1866 et seq.); Grosser Handatlas des Himmels und der Erde, with C. F. Weiland and others (43d ed., 72 sheets, Weimar, 1871); and a large number of minor publications.