Ajmeer, Or Ajmere. I. A non - regulation district of Rajpootana, subject to the lieutenant governor of the Northwest Provinces of Bengal, between lat. 25° 4:)' and 26o 42' N., and lon. 74° 22' and 75° 33' E.; area, 2,029 sq. m.; pop. 225,000, mostly Hindoos. The N. W. portion is occupied by mountains connected with the Aravulli range, and contains mines of carbonate of lead, and ores of manganese, copper, and iron. Elsewhere the country is sandy and nearly level. The only river, the Koree, is so strongly impregnated with carbonate of soda that the water is undrinkable.

II. A city, capital of the above district, situated on the slope of a rocky basin in lat. 26° 29' N., lon. 74o 43' E., 220 m. S. W. of Delhi; pop. about 30,000. It is an ancient city, with stone walls and fine gateways, spacious houses, numerous temples, and a ruined palace of Shah Jehan. A large artificial lake supplies it with water. It has an annual fair and pilgrimage in • honor of a Mussulman saint called Kwajah, who is supposed on these occasions to work extraordinary miracles. In the 16th century it was the chief place of one of Akbar's richest provinces. The British took it from the Sindia family in 1817.