Aulus Licinins, a Greek poet, born at Antioch toward the close of the 2d century B. C, and well known to us only through the oration of Cicero in his defence. When a young man he went to Koine, and was treated with much attention by the leading men of the republic, and especially by the Licinian family, whose name he assumed as a token of respect. He attended Lieinius Lucullus, the praetor, to Sicily, and afterward to Heraclea in Lucania, whither his patron was banished for his conduct in the servile war. He was with the younger Lucullus in Asia during the first and third Mithridatic wars, and in the interim he accompanied him into Africa. He at length returned to Rome, where an accusation was brought against him for having assumed without just title the privileges of a Roman citizen. The case was tried before Q. Cicero, who was then praetor, and whose relative, Marcus Tullius, undertook the defence. The result is unknown. Cicero and Quintilian assert that the poems of Archias were equally remarkable for beauty of style and variety of thought.

They are all lost, except some epigrams preserved in the Greek Anthology, if indeed these be justly attributed to him.