Carlo Francesco Antommarchi, physician to Napoleon at St. Helena, born in Corsica, died at San Antonio de Cuba, April 3, 1838. He was professor of anatomy at Florence, where in 1818 Letitia Bonaparte sent Cardinal Fesch to induce him to go to St. Helena. The emperor at first treated him with marked coldness, but afterward honored him with implicit confidence, and in his will left him 100,000 francs. On the emperor's death Antommarchi went to Paris, where he published Les derniers moments de Napoleon (2 vols.' 8vo, 1823). Nearly nine years after Napoleon's death Antommarchi produced a cast of his head, which purported to have been taken after death. The authenticity of this cast was hotly contested, especially by the advocates of phrenology, against whom it was used as an argument.

Antommarchi in consequence of these disputes came-to America about 1830, and practised homoeopathy at New Orleans and Havana,