Maria Gaetana Agnesi, a learned Italian lady, born in Milan, March 16,1718, died Jan. 9,1799. She was the daughter of a professor of mathematics at the university of Bologna. From her childhood she spoke Latin with facility, and was also skilled in other dead and living languages. While still very young she was in the habit of maintaining theses at her father's house, 191 of which he collected and published under the title of Propositiones Philosophicae (Milan, 1738). In 1748 she published her Intituzioni analitiche (2 vols. 4to), an educational work on the higher mathematics, partly translated into French in 1775. In 1750, her father having fallen sick, she was permitted by dispensation of the pope to take his place as lecturer in the university. She ended her life in a convent. - Maria Teeesa, sister of the preceding, composed the operas of "Sopho-nisba," "Cyrus in Armenia," and "Nitocris," besides many cantatas.