Alteratives. Medicines which effect some alteration in the nature or the quality of the vital action, and occasion a change in the habit or constitution, establishing the healthy functions of the body without producing any sensible evacuation by perspiration, vomiting, or purging. The preparations of mercury and iodine, when properly administered, are among the most useful and generally employed alteratives.

5162. Alterative Pills

5162.    Alterative Pills. Lobelia seeds, 2 drachms; mandrake, 2 drachms ; blue flag, 2 drachms; blood root, 2 drachms; cayenne pepper, 1 drachm; gum guiacum, 2 drachms; extract of dandelion, 6 drachms; oil of peppermint, 3 or 4 drops; simple syrup to form into pills. Dose, 2 pills twice or thrice a day. These pills are of great service in bilious and liver complaints, diseased joints, boils, carbuncles, cutaneous eruptions, scrofula, syphilis, etc..

5163. Alterative Syrup

5163.    Alterative Syrup. Tincture of cayenne, 1/4 ounce; tincture of lobelia and tincture of myrrh, of each 2 ounces; molasses, 1/2 pound. Mix. A tea-spoonful 2 or 3 times a day. Noted for its effectual cure of cutaneous sores, boils, indigestion, and some chronic complaints.

5164. Dandelion Alterative

5164.    Dandelion Alterative. A useful alterative medicine, especially in cases where the function of the liver is at fault. Dose, fluid extract of dandelion, a dessertspoonful, twice daily, with or without a little water.

5165. Blood Maker and Purifier

5165.     Blood Maker and Purifier. Mix £ ounce sulphate of manganese with 1 pint water. Dose, a wine-glassful 3 times a day. This can be used in the place of iron tonic, or in connection with it.

5166. Pancoast's Alterative and Tonic Pills

5166. Pancoast's Alterative and Tonic Pills. 1 scruple extract of Ignatia amara (the bean of St. Ignatius), 1£ drachms bromide of potassa, £ drachm saccharine carbonate of iron, 1 scruple pipeline, and 1 scruple extract of henbane. Make into 60 pills, and take 2, fifteen minutes after each meal.