Patent and Proprietary Medicines. The following receipts embrace a variety of domestic, popular, and proprietary remedies, and include many compounds which, without being proprietary, are better known by the names of the practitioners who have brought them into prominent notice than by any other title. A variety of articles not included in this place are noticed along with other preparations of the class to which they belong, or under the names of their proprietors.

5172. Dalby's Carminative

5172.     Dalby's Carminative. Take oils of caraway, fennel, and peppermint, each 10 drops ; rub them up with 10 ounces white sugar and 5 ounces carbonate or lump magnesia, then add 11/2 drachms sal-tartar and 2 ounces laudanum. Mix with 31/2 pints of water.

5173. Kitchener's Peristaltic Persuaders

5173.  Kitchener's Peristaltic Persuaders. Turkey rhubarb, in powder, 2 drachms; oil of caraway, 10 drops; simple syrup, 1 drachm by weight; mix, and divide into 40 pills. Dose, 2, 3, or more. From 2 to 4 will generally produce one additional motion within 12 hours. The best time to take them is early in the morning.

5174. Barclay's Antibilious Pills

5174.     Barclay's Antibilious Pills. Extract of colocynth, 2 drachms; extract of jalap, 1 drachm; almond soap, l1/2 drachms; guiacum, 3 drachms; tartarized antimony, 8 grains; oil of juniper, 4 drops; oil of caraway, 4 drops; oil of rosemary, 4 drops.

5175. Lee's Antibilious Pills

5175.    Lee's Antibilious Pills. Take pulverized jalap, aloes, and rhubarb, each 1/2 ounce; calomel, 3 drachms; pulverized gamboge, 1 drachm ; form the whole into a mass with shavings of castile soap and syrup ; then make into pills.

5176. Dover's Powder

5176.    Dover's Powder. Ipecacuanha, in powder, 1 drachm; powdered opium, 1 drachm; powdered saltpetre, 1 ounce. All well mixed. Dose, from 8 to 20 grains.

The U. S. Pharmacopoeia directs 1 ounce sulphate of potassa instead of the saltpetre (nitrate of potassa); in other respects the formula is the same as the above.

5177. Thompson's "Number Six

5177.     Thompson's "Number Six." Gum myrrh, 1 pound ; golden seal, 4 ounces; put these into a jug, shake several times a day for 8 days, when it is fit for use. This is a stimulant and tonic.

5178. Thompson's Composition Powder

5178.    Thompson's Composition Powder. Take bayberry, 8 ounces; ginger, 8 ounces; poplar bark, 4 ounces; white oak bark, 4 ounces; cayenne pepper, 31/4 ounces; cloves, 1/2 ounce. Powder and mix intimately. Dissolve a tea-spoonful in a cup of boiling water, sweetened. Valuable to remove colds, influenza, fever, relax, pain in the bowels, cold extremities. As a. sudorific, or for removing morbific matter, the cause of disease, it is invaluable. "When taken, the patient should go to bed, and make use of any of the various appliances for promoting perspiration.