1234. Mediterranean frozen; traffic with carts.

1420. Bosphorus frozen.

1468. Wine at Antwerp sold in blocks.

1658. Swedish artillery crossed the sound.

1766. Snow knee-deep at Naples.

1789. Fahrenheit thermometer marked 23° below zero at Frankfort, and 36° below at Basle.

1809. Moscow, 48° below zero, greatest cold recorded there; mercury frozen.

1829. Jakoutsk, Siberia, 73° below zero on the 25th of January; greatest cold on record.

. 1846. December marked 25° below zero at Pontarlier; lowest ever marked in France.

1864. January, Fahrenheit stood at zero in Turin; greatest cold recorded in Italy.

Captain Parry, in his Arctic explorations, suffered for some time fifty-one degrees below zero Frost is diminishing in Canada with the increase of population, as shown by the fact that Hudson's Bay was closed from 1828-37, 184 days per annum, and from 1871-'80 only 179 days per annnm.