Horse-Radish, or Cochle-aria Annoruda, L. an indigenous perennial plant, growing on the sides of ditches, the banks of rivers, and other damp places ; flowering in the month of May.

It has a strong pungent smell; a penetrating acrid taste; and is re-fused by every kind of cattle. - The root, when scraped, is much used at the table as a condiment for fish, roast beef, etc. ; it is also employed for many other culinary purposes ; and might, in times of scarcity, afford flour for bread. With this intention, however, the roots ought to be collected in autumn, and treated in the manner already de-scribed, vol. i. pp. 44" and 513.— But, if horse-radish be intended fur immediate use, it ought to be dug out of the ground fresh, only from October to March ; or to be ga-thered in the sprang, then dried, reduced to powder, and preserved in bottles closely stopped, for occasional use ; when it should be previously moistened with spring wa-ter. - When steeped and digested in vinegar, during a fortnight, this root is said effectually to remove freckles in the face.

In paralytic complaints, horse-radish has sometimes been applied, with advantage, as a stimulating remedy to the parts affected. - A strong infusion of it excites vomiting ; and is greatly recommended by Sydenham in dropsies, particularly such as succeed intermittent fevers. - Prof.BECKMann mentions this vegetable among the most proper substances for tanning or cur-rying leather.