1. The Large Glass-Cherry, is the most bulky of these early productions, and one of the finest bright-red morels; having a white juice and a short stalk : its pungent taste is accompanied with an agreeable sweetness; and the fruit ripens in the beginning of July.

2. The Black Perdrigon, a large oblong plum, of a dark-blue colour mingled with faint yellow, and covered with a strong bloom: its light-yellow pulp is firm, yet delicious to the palate ; abounds with a sweet, aromatic juice; and the fruit may be gathered towards the end of August.

3. The Large Montmorency is one of the best glass-cherries, flatly compressed below; with a thick, short, and deeply-inserted stalk : the pulp is yellowish, of a delicate taste; yields an agreeably-acidulated juice, and is in perfection about the latter part of July.

4. The

4. The Large Green Reine-Claude (Dauphine), a well-known cherry, that ranks among the finest fruits of the kind; it is in great estimation on account of its copious, mellow, and saccharine juice, which is of a peculiarly delicious taste : this cherry attains to maturity in the beginning of August.

5. The Black Burgundy Grape is rather below the middling size, but of a sweet, delicious taste, and begins to ripen about the middle of August.

6. The White Early Leipxig Grape, is likewise of a moderate size, and produces very sweet, oblong berries; becomes eatable about the latter end of August, but is much improved by remaining on the vine till towards autumn.

7. The Black Burgundy Grape, — See above, No. 5.

8. The St. John's Plum, a very early, blue, round, and valuable fruit.

9. The Leopold Cherry is a dark-red morel, with a long stalk, and is highly esteemed : it has an acidulated, savoury juice, of an exceedingly pleasant taste, and ripens in the latter part of July.

10. The Royal Plum is of a very large size, and one. of the most delicious fruits; having a spherical •form, with a thin, long, and deeply-inserted stalk: its skin is of a violet hue, marked with many gold-coloured spots: the yellowish-green pulp abounds with a sweetish juice, slightly acidulated, so as to impart to it- an agreeably-pungent taste : its period of maturity is towards the end of August,

11. The Early Natt, of the Germans, is an exceedingly luscious and large cherry, produced from the kernel ; its bright glossy skin is of a fine red colour; and the tender pulp yields a sub-acid juice highly grateful to the palate. The. tree is uncommonly productive; and the fruit, being one of the earliest in season, ripens in the beginning of June.

12. The Green or white Indian Plum, is a most grateful production, exceeding in flavour the Reine -Claude (No. 4) : and though it be little known at present, this whitish-green fruit merits a place in every orchard.

13. The Red Early Wanfried-Cherry is of German origin, and of a large size : its pulp is delicate, though not very tender; and contains a whitish sub-acid juice : this savoury fruit is eatable in the beginning of June; and the tree is of the most fertile kind.

14. The Black Spanish Early Heart-Cherry, vies with the most exquisite kinds of that class, and is eminently calculated for espaliers. On account of its early and great fertility, the tree is of an inferior size, but loaded with fruit, the mellow pulp of which has a subacid taste, and an excellent flavour. IV. Plantation along the North-side of the Orchard : or Espa-liers consisting of fruit-bearing Shrubs.

Although this situation is, on the whole, less favourable, to the growth and maturity of fruit, yet every industrious gardener will here also endeavour to cultivate quinces, medlar trees, hazel-nuts, etc. because their productions are subservient to many useful purposes in domestic economy. Such plants, indeed, will not vegetate very luxuriantly, or afford early and luscious ornaments of the dessert ; but they may with advantage be employed for culinary dishes, or for supplying the table in a fresh state, at an advanced season.

Among the Quinces, the German Pear-quince, and that of Portugal, are the two principal varieties they are of similar shape, and differ only in this circumstance, that the former, when boiled, remains entire ; while the latter, being more tender, is dissolved into a pulp.

There are thirteen species of the Medlar-tree ; of which only one is indigenous (see p. 187) : but among all the foreign sorts, Mr. Christ recommends the Dutch Garden Medlar, as the only and most eligible one for espaliers.