1D0 NOT know who first applied the title of "scouts" to the men who are regularly assigned to the task of gathering information for the various football camps. It was a most unfortunate designation, because it created in the public mind an entirely false impression, which still prevails and seems to spread in spite of frequent denials from authoritative sources. It leads the public to believe that spying, trickery and improper methods are integral parts of the game. It is true that some twenty or more years ago there was a tendency to conduct all athletics on a win-by-any-means basis and distinctly improper methods were employed in the effort to secure information about a rival. Much might be written about some of the ingenious tricks that were resorted to in these early days, but the results attained by such means were very small.

From an ethical point of view, all athletics have made great strides in the last ten years. The intelligence departments of the various football teams have kept pace with this progress toward fair play. Today the football scout is recognized as an important part of the coaching staff, and his work is always done in a manner above suspicion and criticism. Among the larger colleges it is now a common practice to send complimentary tickets to all the opponents on the schedule.