The Cathedral, Antwerp

The Cathedral, Antwerp.

The Statue Of Rubens

The Statue Of Rubens.

The Elevation Of The Cross

The "Elevation Of The Cross" (Rubens).

We climbed to the lofty belfry of the cathedral, and looked down on the city and the adjoining plain; and, as we watched the river chelde winding through cultivated fields, like a long thread of silver woven in a figured carpet, we were reminded of a striking proof of bravery connected with this peaceful stream. In 1831, during the war between the Dutch and Belgians, a Holland gunboat was driven ashore here in a heavy gale. The Belgian men-of-war at once surrounded it, and summoned its commander to surrender. Seeing that further opposition was impossible, and yet determined never to give up what had been entrusted to his care, the captain rushed to the powder magazine, threw into it a lighted match, and, in a moment more, a terrible explosion wrecked the ship and killed a hundred of the advancing enemy. Thus did this officer, who in childhood had been adopted by the state, and had received his education at government expense, nobly repay the debt he owed his country; and, in her turn, Holland showed her gratitude by rearing a monument to his memory, and ordering that one vessel in her navy should always bear his honored name.

Antwerp And The Schelde

Antwerp And The Schelde.