Spa'lato (less correctly Spalatro; Slav. Split), the busiest town of Dalmatia, stands on a promontory on the east side of the Adriatic, 160 miles SE. of Fiume, and with a branch-line to the Bosnian railway (1894-1900). Here, in a beauti-ful situation on the seashore, the Emperor Diocletian built for himself a colossal palace (Salonœ Palatium, whence, or from its Greek equivalent, comes the name Spalato), to which he retired when he abdicated the throne in 305. The massive walls were from 570 to 700 feet long and 50 to 70 feet high, and enclosed an area of 9 1/2 acres. This gigantic palace, square, like a Roman camp, with a gate in the middle of each side, is still standing in a fairly good state of preservation, its temple being the present Christian Cathedral; but the interior was converted into a town in 639 by the citizens of the adjoining city of Savona who escaped the Avars, and it has been so occupied ever since. The existing city of Spalato, lying more than half of it outside the palace walls, is one of the principal ports for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and manufactures liqueurs (rosolio and maraschino), bricks, ropes, etc. Pop. 26,000. See Freeman's Historical Essays (3d series, 1879); and T. G. Jackson's Dalmatia (vol. ii. 1887).