A Hobby That Pays - Bees - How They Live and Work For You | by G. B. Lewis
All questions that may come to your mind about bee keeping and making a living with beekeeping hobby are answered here.
G. B. LEWIS COMPANY, Watertown, Wisconsin
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You
- THERE is romance, pleasure and profit in beekeeping. As you walk along the garden path and see a honeybee seeking diligently in your flowers, have you ever wondered just what it was all about? If you ...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 2
- The writer has seen beehives ranged in rows on a sunny hillside in the desert and only investigation which showed fields of irrigated alfalfa within bee flight told the story of their successful exist...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 3
- By following directions for their care they build up rapidly and go to work for you. It is advisable to have them reach you early in the season, preferably during fruit bloom or shortly thereafter. On...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 4
- You will see that a beginning in honey production is no strain on your time, even if you are a busy person. Many professional men and women, who are tied down in offices days without end, take up hone...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 5
- In the illustration 1 represents the cover and 2 the inner cover. 3 shows the space between the inside of the hive and the end of the frame, so the bees will have passageway without being crushed. ...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 6. How to Sell Honey
- How do you sell honey? This is of more importance after you have reached the stage where your family cannot use all the honey you produce. Many who live on highways where travel is extensive have only...
- Bees - How They Live and Work For You. Part 7. Conclusion
- Methods suggested in the books offered, and which you will want to read, are the honest accumulation of much experience. In our catalog we have tried to make plain, even to the novice, what each item ...