
previous page: A Hobby That Pays - Bees - How They Live and Work For You | by G. B. Lewis
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Better Beekeeping Or How We Made Bees Pay | D. F. Rankin

This book is for boys' and girls' Bee Clubs, for ambitious young people eager to earn an education, for busy farmers who wish to supply their families and friends with an abundance of honey, for professional men seeking a delightful avocation, and for all who wish to keep bees for pleasure and profit.

TitleBetter Beekeeping Or How We Made Bees Pay
AuthorD. F. Rankin
PublisherWalter H. Ball Printing Corp
Copyright1936, D. F. Rankin
AmazonBetter Beekeeping: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Stronger Colonies and Healthier, More Productive Bees

Much has been written on the culture of honey bees, and many do not know how to sift the wheat from the chaff. For this reason there seems to be need for a book of simple directions so that all who desire to do so can intelligently care for honey bees and can get maximum crops of honey with a minimum of work and with no strings.

Thousands of tons of nectar are wasted for lack of bees to gather it and to manufacture it into honey. This book contains the essential principles for the production of honey. It is hoped that those who read and practice its teachings will get as much pleasure and profit from keeping bees as the author has received.

Thanks are due the A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio, for permission to use the cuts that illustrate bee culture.

Hanover, Ind.

D. F. Rankin

-Profit in Bees. Who Should Keep Bees. Where Bees Can Be Kept
My special interest in honey-bees was awakened by a visit to the Morrisson-Reeves Public Library in Richmond, Indiana. There I found a bound copy of Gleanings in Bee Culture for the year 1906 and i...
-Choosing the Right Kind of Bees. How to Begin. Equipment Necessary
5. Choosing the Right Kind of Bees The little brown or black bees first imported from Germany are nervous and usually cross. They sting at the least provocation and often meet the beekeeper half way ...
-How to Distinguish the Different Kinds of Bees and Cells. Drone Layers and Laying Workers. Opening and Examining a Hive
8. How to Distinguish the Different Kinds of Bees and Cells In a hive there are three kinds of bees-the queen, workers, and drones. The queen is the only fully developed female in the hive and lays ...
-How to Find Queens and How to Clip Their Wings. Introducing Queens to Colonies and Nuclei
11. How to Find Queens and How to Clip Their Wings It is usually best to clip queens' wings at the time of fruit bloom when fewer bees are in the hives and queens are more readily found. They may be ...
-Transferring Bees to Modern Hives. How to Build Strong Colonies for the Nectar Flow
13. Transferring Bees to Modern Hives Sometimes it is necessary to transfer bees from box-hives or from hives with crooked combs. Select a warm day when nectar is coming in from the fields. Take the ...
-Securing Swarms. Why Bees Swarm
15. Securing Swarms No matter how well one manages bees, they will occasionally swarm. The first swarm out-prime swarm-contains the field workers. If one loses this swarm, he loses his crop of honey....
-Producing Comb Honey Without Swarming
17. Producing Comb Honey Without Swarming Unless one learns to manage bees so they do not swarm he cannot succeed as a beekeeper. He should destroy any queen-cells found in the brood-chamber before p...
-Producing Extracted Honey Without Swarming. Giving Supers as Needed for Comb Honey. Taking Honey Without Stings
18. Producing Extracted Honey Without Swarming Manage the bees the same as for comb honey until time for the spring nectar flow. At the time of the nectar flow, or if the bees are making preparation ...
-Making More Colonies of Bees. Care of Honey. Feeding Bees. Robber Bees
21. Making More Colonies of Bees Place on a hive a queen-excluder. Take three or more combs of capped or emerging brood from hives, shake the bees from the combs, and set the combs of brood in a hive...
-How to Extract Honey. Wiring Brood Frames. Values and Preparation of Shallow Frames
25. How to Extract Honey First, throw out the uncapped nectar, which if not thrown out may cause the honey to ferment. Drain the extractor of this nectar. Then uncap the honey and extract it, first r...
-How I Became Interested In Bees. Part 10
28. Placing Foundation in Sections Secure a board half the thickness of a section. Cut pieces of the board the size to fit loosely in a section. Having secured a wide hoard, lay on it a section hold...
-Producing Queen Bees
33. Producing Queen Bees Bees made queenless, if given combs with worker larvae three days old or younger, can produce queens. They will enlarge the cells, build queen-cells, and feed the larvae only...
-Distinguishing and Remedying Bee Diseases
34. Distinguishing and Remedying Bee Diseases It is very important that one who would succeed with bees become informed of the nature and treatment of diseases of bees. He should be constantly on the...
-Wintering Bees Successfully. And Last
35. Wintering Bees Successfully Many colonies of bees winter-kill for lack of proper protection. If the temperature drops to zero and remains there for three weeks, the unprotected bees, which at 57 ...
-Beekeeping Bibliography. Books. Bee Magazines. Bulletins
Books Rowe, H. S Starting Right with Bees, the A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio, rev. ed., 1936. 98 pages, 50 cents. A good brief treatment of the subject. ATKINS, C. W. and HAWKINS, K. How to Succeed...
-Beekeeping Glossary
After-swarms: Swarms that emerge from the hive after the first swarm of the season. Apiary: A number of colonies of bees in one location considered collectively. Balling a queen: Covering the queen ...

previous page: A Hobby That Pays - Bees - How They Live and Work For You | by G. B. Lewis
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