"My eight colonies of bees made 200 pounds of surplus honey per colony last season and went into winter strong. Beekeepers all over the counties, where I have worked this season, have lost from 50 to 100 pounds of honey per colony on account of not giving enough supers."-B. F. Forsyth, Monogahela, Pa.

A Lawyer Who Loves Bees "I love honey and I love bees. I have never kept many bees, for I have only a small back yard to keep them in. Yet I have always had from one to eighteen colonies. While I have never sold a pound of honey, I have given hundreds of pounds to my friends. Bees, chickens, and fruit are a combination that works admirably."-J. S. Parsons, Attorney-at-Law, Jonesboro, Ark.

A Minister's beekeeping success "I established a high record last year (1927) of increasing seven colonies to 33 and taking off 2110 pounds of choice comb honey and 253 pounds of extracted honey."-Rev. W. A. Lewis, Doylestown, Pa.

Mr. Forsyth's apiary produced an average of 200 pounds per colony

Mr. Forsyth's apiary produced an average of 200 pounds per colony.

The Doctor's bees did well: "I started out last spring with six colonies, spring count, and increased to ten. All built up strong for the winter. From the six colonies I secured 711.5 pounds of comb honey from the clover honey flow and later 307 pounds of aster. My best colony produced 147.5 pounds comb honey. I had one built-up nucleus that gave me about 70 pounds of comb honey. I am not a seasoned beekeeper- only a beginner. Furthermore, this locality, northwestern West Virginia, is only on the edge of the white-clover belt."-Dr. A. A. Meredith, Middlebourne, W. Va.

Profitable Honey Sales

"One beekeeper, who lays off from a factory job one day a week to deliver honey to city customers, reports taking orders for a ton of honey to be delivered the week following, some families ordering 60's for the winter supply. Another beekeeper reports the sale of 500 5-pound pails from a Grand Rapids grocery in one week. Still another reports a period of $25-a-day profits from house-to-house selling."-R. E. Kelty, East Lansing, Mich.

A Very Profitable Business

"I have worked up a big retail business in this section. I sell each season 10,000 five-pound pails and between 3000 and 4000 ten-pound pails of honey direct to the customers. I also sell quite a quantity of bottled honey."-C. J. Morrison, St. Joseph County, Ind.

What An Average Lot Of Bees Will Produce

"My 25 colonies have thus far produced 2300 pounds of honey this year. One colony produced 400 pounds."-G. P. Wright, Warren County, N. Y.

The five Danzenbaker hives I ordered from you the latter part of February arrived in splendid condition last week, also the Porter bee-escape and the smoker. Please accept my thanks for the prompt attention which you gave my order. We have the hives all nailed and painted, and they are beautiful. At first the number of pieces of wood which it took for the five hives fairly frightened us; but with the directions you sent for the construction of the hives, we found it mere child's play to put them together. Thanking you again for your promptness, and for the various reading-matter you have been kind enough to send me, I remain Sincerely yours, Grace S. Dyer.