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Bees, Bee Keeping and Honey Making

Reference Books and Stories on Bees, Honey and Bee Keeping

-Bees For Pleasure And Profit | by Samson G. Gordon
Interesting Facts About Honeybees with Valuable Suggestions for the Man, Woman or Youth Who Wants to Make a Start in This Pleasant and Profitable Pursuit, Together with Recommendations of What Is Necessary to Make a Right Start with Bees. Doctor, Lawyer, Preacher, Farmer - all succeed with bees. Receive additional income and pleasure from this fascinating hobby.
-A Hobby That Pays - Bees - How They Live and Work For You | by G. B. Lewis
All questions that may come to your mind about bee keeping and making a living with beekeeping hobby are answered here.
-Better Beekeeping Or How We Made Bees Pay | D. F. Rankin
This book is for boys' and girls' Bee Clubs, for ambitious young people eager to earn an education, for busy farmers who wish to supply their families and friends with an abundance of honey, for professional men seeking a delightful avocation, and for all who wish to keep bees for pleasure and profit.
-Honey Getting | by Edward Lloyd Sechrist
The book presents several systems of apiary management using the clear brood nest method and is based on well-known facts concerning the life-cycle, the behavior, and the habits of the honeybee. It correlates the behavior of bees with the production of a profitable crop of honey and discusses the principles and essential factors on which management for honey production is based.
-How To Succeed With Bees | by E. W. Atkins and K. Hawkins
This book gives information about how to do beekeeping, and also best practises required for a better production of honey.
-A Living From Bees | by Frank C. Pellett
This book is the result of a lifetime association with the bees. First there was a childhood when an indulgent beekeeping grandfather lived close by the author's home, thus permitting an early acquaintance with the ways of the honey producer. Later there was a period during which a living came from the bees after a trial of office work and attempt at the practice of law proved unsatisfactory. Following this came service as the first State Apiarist of Iowa and then association with the American Bee Journal as managing editor. In recent years as Field Editor of that magazine the author has had opportunity to visit most of the important honey producing areas on this continent and to form personal acquaintance with hundreds of the most successful beekeepers.
-History Of American Beekeeping | by Frank Chapman Pellett
This history is designed to cover American beekeeping down to the time of the World War. In some cases it has been necessary to cover events since that date in order to complete the story of subjects initiated prior to that time.
-Beekeeping for Beginners | by G. H. Cale, Jr.
Keeping bees is a fascinating and desirable pursuit. Steeped in ageless time, it has survived since the early recordings of the Vedas in India, to be heralded as well in the Koran of Mohammed and the Holy Bible of Christianity. Equally it attracted the attention of Greek mythology, of Pliny and Aristotle and on down to the more modern investigations of Huber and Fabre...
-How To Keep Bees And Sell Honey | by Walter T. Kelley
Feeling that there was an urgent need for an improved beginners' book with clear sharp pictures, showing just how each step is accomplished, I started collecting pictures and writing copy several years before publication of this book. I present this book to you in the hopes that it will enable you to start out on a firm foundation of beekeeping without having to call on anyone for additional information.
-First Aid to Amateur Beekeepers | by Henry Perkins
The subject matter of this little book is especially intended to meet the needs of the amateur or would-be amateur who is casting about for the best means at hand to try his or her luck at beekeeping. It is especially dedicated to the amateur beekeepers of the Pacific slope and therefore contemplates conditions to be met with in this region. It is quite impossible in a work of only forty-eight small pages to more than briefly touch upon the more salient points. Bee culture is a subject upon which many volumes have been written and one which has absorbed the attention and study of some of the world's greatest scholars and profoundest thinkers. So I will ramble along from point to point going just deeply enough here and there to give my readers some idea of the breadth and scope of the industry also to enable them to, in a measure, appraise the adaptability of their circumstances and location to the venture. Beekeeping on a small scale is neither an expensive hobby nor a danger to the community if conducted with proper knowledge and precaution. Many owners of small apiaries find it a fascinating and profitable pastime.
-Queendom Of The Honey Bees | by Phillip C. Lance
In attractive English, free from technicalities, the author, without sacrificing accuracy, has delineated the life history, the structural adaptation, and the wonders, social and economic, of the bee's activities. The story is of general interest because the seeming intelligent life of the honey bee is the prototype of the social and economic security which is the universal objective of nations.
-Instrumental Insemination Of Queen Bees | by Otto Mackensen, Kenneth W. Tucker
This manual is intended to introduce instrumental insemination of honey bees to beekeepers, scientists, and technical workers in apiculture who want to learn the technique. A prior knowledge of bees, bee equipment, management procedures, and queen rearing is desirable for the student. However, an untrained person can master instrumental insemination and gain adequate experience in rearing queens and drones in a relatively short time, under the guidance of one who is already experienced. This publication brings together current information on instrumental insemination in easily readable form. This information has been gathered from the technical literature, the most important of which is listed under Bibliography, on page 27, for those who want to study the subject in detail.
-The Busy Little Honeybee | by Josephine Morse True
A children book about honeybees. Honeybees usually fly from half a mile to two miles to gather nectar. They have even been known to go as far as six miles from their hive when they were unable to find much nectar nearer home...
-Booklets on Bee Managements
Various short manuals and informative booklets on bee and apiary management

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