As bay windows are commonly constructed there is a solid pier at the angles, and the windows proper are made the same as if in a straight wall. When the bay is of masonry, and it is desired to have the angle between the windows as small as possible, iron or stone angles or mullions are used. Very frequently an iron post is set into the angle to support the lintels above, and is cased with stone or terra cotta on the outside. Fig. 114 shows a section through an angle constructed in this way, which may be of value to the younger architects in showing the manner of securing the frames and the terra cotta casing.

Shallow Bay Windows are also often built within the thickness of the wall in brick or stone buildings, and in such cases the whole bay is formed by the window proper. Fig. 115 shows a half elevation and plan of two styles of such windows. In the one at the left casement sash are employed, and in the one at the right the side window is double hung, while the centre sash is stationary, or it can be pivoted top and bottom. Enlarged sections, on the lines A, B, C, etc., are shown in Fig. 116. The aim in such windows is to make the woodwork as light as is practicable, and hence the pockets for weights are dispensed with in the double-hung window and sash balances used instead of weights, although by making the angle about 3 inches wider pockets could be obtained.

The lead strip shown in Section E is a good suggestion for protecting the joint under the wood sill of any window from the weather.

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Fig. ,114.

and, although not often used, would be desirable in all first-class residences. The inside finish of the head and sill would be essentially the same in both of the windows shown.

When such windows extend through two stories the wall under the upper windows need not be more than 6 inches thick, thus increasing the size of the room.

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Fig. 115.

Stone lintels over such windows should either be of the full thickness of the wall or should be supported by an iron lintel, with a wide plate at the bottom flush with the stone.