Not so much choice is to be found in the selection of bowls and tubs. Of the former the main difference is to be found in the overflow and waste, These appliances have advanced from the old fashioned plug and chain (Fig. 53), to the most advanced form of outside connections (Fig. 54), which is the pattern called for by our specifications. In the choice of a modern tub we may range from the ordinary roll-rim enamelled iron tub with painted exterior, which is excellent in all respects, through the various stages of finish and pattern to the solid porcelain tubs of luxurious design and finish. Porcelain goods are marketed in three grades with a great variation of price, from A, which is absolutely perfect in every respect, to B, which allows of slight imperfections and C, which is more imperfect, but sound and whole.

Enamelled iron goods are put on the market in two grades, "guaranteed" as to the enamel, which goods will be replaced by the manufacturer if the enamel does not remain perfect for a reasonable time, and "unguaranteed," which are taken at the purchaser's risk. Cocks. The choice of cocks for the fixtures will lie between two kinds, the "ground" cock and the "compression" or "screw down" cock. The former consists of a ground plug through which is put a hole in line with the aperture, which is opened and closed by turning the plug so that the hole is in the range of the bore when open, or across the bore when closed. (Fig. 55.) Although simple and positive in action this form of cock is open to the objections that when in constant use the plug and socket will become worn, especially if the water contains any sand or grit, and if used only occasionally the adjacent parts become corroded and the plug will refuse to turn. A better form is the compression cock (Fig. 56), in which the spindle is screwed hard down upon the opening and is given a perfect contact by means of a washer of leather or composition, which can be easily renewed when it becomes so much worn that it allows the cock to leak. In general the cocks in bath room and china closets should be nickel plated, while the cocks and piping of kitchen and laundry will be more satisfactory if of polished brass. The cold water cock of these fixtures, and of the pantry sink as well, should have a hose nozzle termination.

Fig. 53. Plug and Chain.

Fig. 53. Plug and Chain.

Fig. 51. Outside Connection for Basin.

Fig. 51. Outside Connection for Basin.

When the plumbing fixtures have been installed, the superintendent should see that they are properly protected, from accident or abuse, until the owner is ready to assume the care of the house.