This section is from the book "Cyclopedia Of Architecture, Carpentry, And Building", by James C. et al. Also available from Amazon: Cyclopedia Of Architecture, Carpentry And Building.
Fillers are of two kinds - paste and liquid. Paste fillers are something like a very thick paint, and are composed of some solid powdered substance, usually silica or powdered quartz, mixed with a quick-drying varnish thinned with turpentine or benzine. This is applied to the dry surface of the wood with a stiff, short-bristle brush, or is put on with a clean, white cotton cloth, and well rubbed into the pores of the wood. After half an hour or so, the surface of the wood is wiped off with a wad of excelsior or a clean cloth or a piece of felt. A liquid filler is a quick-drying varnish; and most of the liquid fillers on the market are cheap rosin varnishes loaded with dryers, and should never be used. Paste fillers are the best in almost all cases.
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