879. Developing

Developing. Nepera paper is best developed with one or the other, of the following formulae:

880. Metol-Hydro Developer. Stock Solution. - Dissolve chemicals in the order named, stirring constantly.

Hot Water..................................

.100 ozs.


. 1/2 oz.


... 2 ozs..

Sulphite of Soda (Desiccated).......................

.7 1/2 OZS.

Carbonate of Soda (Desicated)............................

12 1/2 ozs.

Bromide of Potassium (Crystals)..........................

.120 grs.

881. Note

Note. Where crystals of sulphite or carbonate of soda only can be obtained, double quantity must be used. In cold weather, immediately after dissolving chemicals, add 13 ozs. of wood alcohol to the above stock solution to prevent precipitation.

882. The above developer can be rendered non-abrasive by the addition of 5 grains of commercial iodide of potassium to each ounce of stock solution.

883. Note

Note. The photographer whose fingers become irritated by the use of metol is not likely to experience this trouble in using ortol, and vice versa.

884. The following ortol formula will produce equal results to metol:

885. Stock Solution

Stock Solution. Dissolve chemicals in the order named, stirring constantly.

Hot Water..................................

. 100 ozs.


...1/2 oz.


.1 1/2 ozs.

Sulphite of Soda (Desiccated)...............

.7 1/2 ozs.

Carbonate of Soda (Desiccated)..............

12 1/2 ozs.

Bromide of Potassium (Crystals)................................

..38 grs.

886. Note

Note. Where only crystals of sulphite of soda and carbonate of soda can be obtained, double quantity must be used.

887. The above bath may be rendered non-abrasive by addition of 5 grains of commercial iodide of potassium to each, ounce of stock solution.

888. These concentrated developers will keep indefinitely in filled bottles well stoppered.

889. Manipulation

Manipulation. Use one part stock solution to four parts water for prints from normal negatives, but remember that full control of contrast is secured by varying the dilution of the developer. The stronger the developer, the softer the print will be.

890. Previously, under the heading of Paragraph 816, iodide of potassium is mentioned as a preventive of abrasion marks. This chemical has another property, that of reducing contrast; therefore, the softest prints possible will be iv - 16 secured in undiluted stock solution, to which iodide of potassium has been added, as per directions.