372. Introduction

Introduction. The following instruction is given so that those who desire to employ Aristo gold and platinum prepared solutions may do so. The instruction given in the preceding chapters, however, regarding the manipulating of collodio carbon papers, applies directly to this work. It is simply necessary to supplement in the preceding directions the following formulae and suggestions:

373. Printing And Washing

Printing And Washing. Print until the highlights are well tinted, about as you would print for Aristo Platino. The prints must be carefully washed through eight changes of clear water to remove all free silver, as well as the chemicals. Handle the prints over in each wash water.

374. Gold Bath.


64 ozs.

Aristo Gold, No. 2.............................

..1 dr.


20 grs.

Acetate of Soda (Sat. Sol.)..............................

.1/2 oz.

Borax (Sat. Sol.) - enough to turn red litmus paper blue in one to two minutes.

375. This bath should be made up 12 hours before using. Add gold enough to keep speed of bath at from six to eight minutes. Watch the bath closely to see that the highlights do not bleach. If they show bleaching add more alkali, regardless of the color of litmus paper. Tone prints in this bath to a purple, leaving considerable warmth in the shadows. After toning, place prints in clear water.

376. Caution

Caution. Too much salt in the gold bath will tend to flatten prints. An excess of alkali or a slow working bath will also produce flat prints with muddy whites.

377. Washing After Gold Bath

Washing After Gold Bath. Prints should be thoroughly washed, as previously directed, in five changes of clear water, to remove all free gold from the print, before placing in the platinum bath.

378. Platinum Bath.


64 ozs.

Aristo Platinum (full strength)..............................

3 drs.

Tone in this bath until the highlights are perfectly clear, leaving but the slightest trace of warmth in the shadows. Carefully wash the prints in five changes of clear water and fix in the following bath:

379. Hypo Bath

Hypo Bath. Hyposulphite of soda 18 hydrometer test, or 2 ozs. hypo crystals to 32 ounces of water. Fix for 15 minutes. Prints must be handled constantly to insure thorough fixing. After prints are fixed place them, for five minutes, in a salt bath composed of 4 ounces of salt to the gallon of water. Wash thoroughly in from 12 to 15 changes of water, handling each print separately. Then wash for one hour in running water and the prints are ready to mount, or dry.