This section is from the book "Clothing For Women: Selection, Design, Construction", by Laura I. Baldt. Also available from Amazon: Clothing For Women: Selection, Design, Construction.
The teacher's instruction involves usually, a review of the lesson of the previous day, and a demonstration of the new problem for the day, this to be followed by a period of active work on the part of the pupils, during which the teacher is free to supervise the work as it progresses, giving individual help or criticism as it is needed. The demonstration period is not only intended 28 to show the proper method of carrying out the problem by constructive process, but in discussion, to emphasize such points as the use of the garments under consideration, materials suitable for their construction, their relative values and costs, designs for the garments suitable to the wearer, and adaptable to the material and such other points as the teacher may find need emphasis in her particular field.
Good class-room management necessitates the saving of time and confusion at all points of the procedure. In large, crowded classes, it is sometimes wise, to so arrange the problems so that they overlap, in order to have one-half of a large class at work on final finishings, while the other half may be using the tables for drafting, designing or cutting garments. Fitting periods can also be so carried on by the careful planning ahead of the day's work, that only two, four or six pupils will be at work in the fitting room at one time. Where dressmaking courses are very full, students may be permitted to work in teams of two upon one garment, one being head-worker, the other assistant on one problem, this order being reversed on the second. Whenever possible students of dressmaking should have opportunity provided for actual shop experience, for a longer or shorter time.
Students should keep note books in which directions and points taken down during demonstrations are entered. Students should be encouraged to use drawings and enter diagrams in their notes, carefully made and properly lettered and dimensioned. The outline form of taking notes should be encouraged. Large margins should be left for side-headings. Loose-leaf note books are desirable. In the note book may be mounted illustrations, and clippings. Teachers should check up students' written work.
Excursions should be organized to stores, to shops and to museums and art galleries, if they are available. Excursions, to secure good results require preparation in advance, proper direction in the field, and adequate review after the excursion is completed, by means of written accounts or discussions.
Exhibits have been used in sewing instruction to good advantage, in that they offer a special motive in work; they are especially helpful when parents can be brought to attend the exhibits, as it will give a real connection between school and home. Loan exhibits of dresses and dress accessories may sometimes be secured from large stores; the school should itself develop a teaching collection of exhibit material, and) teachers have sometimes organized an exchange of laces, fabrics and costume prints for teaching purposes.
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